Plasteel Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Plasteel is an extraordinary material that has grabbed the interest of researchers and smiths alike. Its origins are unknown, given that it has only been discovered in artifacts displaced in time. Plasteel's lightweight and remarkable durability make it highly valued for a wide range of applications.   Despite its several desirable characteristics, all attempts at modifying plasteel have failed. Those attempting to alter this material will face serious difficulties due to its unique properties. Any efforts to melt or heat plasteel for shaping have resulted in rapid oxidation, rendering the material brittle and useless. Similarly, attempts to reshape plasteel without heating have failed because of its hardness and resistance to deformation.   Plasteel's qualities continue to confuse scholars, and study of its composition and structure persists. Some claim that plasteel has alien or otherworldly origins, while others believe it is the result of complex technical processes that are not yet completely understood. Regardless of its origins, plasteel is still an enigmatic substance with incredible potential for those who can harness its power.

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