Mithril Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Mithril is a rare and valuable silvery metal that is as strong as steel but much lighter. It is often used in armor and occasionally in other items. Items made from mithril usually weigh half as much as the same items made from other metals.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Mithril is a lightweight, silvery metal with durability comparable to steel, making it useful in a variety of applications. It weighs about half as much as steel per unit volume, making it particularly attractive to those who require mobility. In addition to its lightness, mithril shares some properties with silver when used in weapons, such as its effectiveness against certain creatures, but it is also better at retaining a sharp edge.

Origin & Source

Mithril is derived from an ore called mithrite, which has a white, lustrous appearance. The ore is found deep within the earth, often close to the outer layer of the elemental plane of earth.

History & Usage


The discovery of mithrite and the process of refining it into mithril is credited to the dwarves, who developed the technique long before they had access to the surface world.

Everyday use

Because of its lighter weight and equal durability, many metallic objects normally made of steel have mithril counterparts.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Dwarves have a longstanding relationship with mithril, one that is deeply ingrained in their culture and a source of great pride for the race. They have developed many traditions that involve passing down mithril heirlooms for certain life achievements and exchanging gifts made from the metal during holidays and celebrations.


Mithrite is mined by the dwarves from the depths of the earth and then refined into mithril in a closely guarded secret process. The refined metal is then shipped in bars and is the Dwarves' primary trade commodity with other races.


Trade & Market

Many blacksmiths around the world purchase mithril bars to forge into useful items, especially armor and shields. Though considered a luxury, it is favored not only by nobles, but also by wealthy adventurers.
Approx. 100 gp per kg
Lingering cold
Common State


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