Gnome Species in Dessend | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Gnomes, one of the smallest common races, typically stand a little over 3 feet tall. Despite their small size, gnomes possess great resilience and are not as weak as many of their adversaries assume. They may not be as quick as larger creatures, but they are trained to use their size to their advantage, particularly when fighting foes who are much larger.   Gnomes exhibit a broad range of coloration, which leads many outsiders to believe that they frequently use dyes and illusions to alter their skin and hair tones. Although gnomes may indulge in cosmetic enhancements to create unique appearances, their natural hues encompass the entire spectrum of colors. Their hair typically has vibrant colors, such as fiery orange, verdant green, or deep red and purple, similar to the hues of wildflowers in bloom or forests in the spring. Their flesh tones vary from earthy browns to floral pinks, and some gnomes even have black, pastel blue, or green skin.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnome's gestation period can vary greatly without any negative effects, ranging from six months to a year. Gnome children are born lively and alert, and quickly begin to move and explore their surroundings. They are rarely instructed on what to do, but are informed of potential outcomes to guide their decision-making. Gnomes believe that learning through experience is the best method of education and that children should be allowed to learn from their mistakes. While other races may view their approach as negligent, gnomes place a higher value on the perpetuation of their race than individual parenting. Children in gnome villages are raised collectively, and formal schooling is not a common practice. Gnomes believe that their children’s natural curiosity will lead them to investigate anything that catches their interest, which has been proven effective in their self-driven education. Formal education is typically sought out later in life when individuals have exhausted all independent study resources, and teaching other races can be challenging for gnomes due to their own obsessive drive.   As gnomes reach young adulthood, their hair, skin, and eyes lose some of their vibrancy, signaling their susceptibility to the Bleaching. While this doesn't necessarily change their way of life, it adds a manic edge to their pursuit of wonder and creativity. Gnomes are not immortal, contrary to popular belief among other races. They age like other humanoid races but more slowly, and they eventually succumb to disease or failing organs. As gnomes age, they must work harder to find new experiences while dealing with failing physical faculties and increased responsibilities, making them more at risk of the Bleaching. This stress puts a greater strain on their mind and body, often leading to foolhardy actions that result in accidental death, rendering the whole issue moot.

Biological Cycle

As gnomes age and become less engaged with the world, they lose their vibrancy and their colors fade. This gradual detachment from the Material Plane leads to the Bleaching, a deadly affliction that turns the world into a dull and monotonous experience. If gnomes fail to seek out new and exciting experiences, the process accelerates, leading to depression, apathy, and a decreased desire to explore. The Bleaching is often fatal, as gnomes become so bored that even the basic functions of life seem unbearable. While many gnomes sympathize with those suffering from the Bleaching, there is a cultural fear and blame attached to the affliction, as it is preventable with effort.   Gnomes who survive the Bleaching are known as bleachlings, endowed with an eerie calmness, heightened magical ability, and an apparent immunity to aging. They are both monsters and heroes to their fellows and often withdraw from gnome society, perhaps due to their regard of unchanged gnomes as immature or fear from their peers. Bleachlings are easily recognized by their subdued coloration and calm demeanor and often become druids, suggesting a deeper connection with nature.   Bleachlings continue to adventure, but their reasons shift, and they become more centered and calm, even in the midst of battle. In game terms, the Bleaching works as a curse, and players can only begin play as bleachlings with the GM's permission and when their characters are at least middle-aged.


Gnomes possess a unique and unconventional way of thinking and reacting, which can make it difficult for other races to understand them, even when paying close attention. Their minds often seem disorganized and chaotic, reminiscent of the flighty and unpredictable thought processes of certain fey creatures.   Despite their quirks, gnomes have a charm and charisma that draws people from all races to them. While some may find their constant curiosity and restless energy tiresome, these traits also make them appealing as companions and romantic partners. The fey-like focus and obsessive curiosity of gnomes can be incredibly alluring, even for those of different races, although their inability to interbreed means that they often seek out new experiences beyond their own kind.   Although gnome behavior can be perplexing, their lack of malice and pretension, along with their open and expressive faces, often get them out of trouble. While there are evil gnomes, they are the exception rather than the rule, and most people who live near gnomes have learned to practice tolerance and extend the benefit of the doubt when encountering their unusual behavior.   All gnomes have a natural affinity for magic, which is a clear indication of their otherworldly origin. They possess an innate ability to cast four spells: dancing lights, speak with animals, ghost sound, and prestidigitation. It is unclear why gnomes have this magical aptitude, but various stories from gnomish history offer different, often contradictory explanations. A popular saying among gnomes is, “The light, the sound, the trick, and the voice—these make us giants though the world deems us small.”   While it might be expected that most gnome magic users would be sorcerers, their natural curiosity and tendency to investigate interesting things leads many of them to study wizardry. Their obsessions make them adept, if disorganized, arcane scholars. Every school of magic offers something to gnome practitioners, whether it be the pursuit of divination, the potential for mischief of illusion spells, or the ability to make any situation more exciting with a well-placed evocation. Gnome illusionists have an advantage, as their racial familiarity with magic (and their own ability to see through many illusions) allows them to make their own creations even more potent.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sharp senses of gnomes include their keen eyesight and hearing, which are superior to those of many other common races. Gnomes can see with great acuity, even in low-light environments, though they cannot see in complete darkness. Additionally, their ears are finely tuned to detect even the slightest sounds, making them excellent at eavesdropping and detecting danger.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnomes are not known for their proficiency in naming conventions or language, according to linguists who have studied them. While they are known for their garrulousness, gnomes primarily communicate through actions and body language, which are expressive and instinctual. They are highly emotive and wear their feelings on their sleeves, often displaying their approval or disapproval of others through their behavior before resorting to words. Their emotions are so transparent that they are highly adept at lying and deception when they choose to be.   Gnomes typically choose nonsensical or frequently changing names for themselves, often influenced by the culture around them. Some gnomes take pride in inventing new names, while others select syllables based on some arcane logic. Male gnomes usually choose long, complex, and brightly colored names, while females opt for short and straightforward ones. Gnomes who have selected long names are often annoyed when other races attempt to shorten their names. Some scholars have suggested that male gnomes' inclination for complex names is similar to the feather displays of birds, serving as a way for males to display their creativity to potential mates. However, most gnomes find this comparison insulting.   While gnomes in human lands may adopt familial naming conventions, many gnomes choose new names without considering family affiliation. This, coupled with their proclivity for wandering, makes it difficult to track gnome genealogy.

Common Dress Code

Gnomes are often recognized by their clothing choices, which tend to be brightly colored and unique. Even when attempting to remain unnoticed, gnomes are more likely to wear extravagant outfits, such as ghillie suits, rather than muted colors. However, gnomes are still capable of blending in when necessary, although this is not their natural inclination. Practicality is also a consideration for gnomes, who prefer loose-fitting clothing with ample pockets and storage space to accommodate their many collections and treasures. Pocketed vests and bandoliers with pockets and pouches are a common sight on gnomes, as they seek to avoid the tragedy of having to abandon something fascinating due to lack of storage space.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The term "gnome culture" may not be entirely accurate given their tendency for chaos. Gnomes thrive on pushing boundaries, seeking out new experiences, and exploring the mysteries of existence. They value breadth and depth in their lives and abhor feeling confined.   Gnomes are often likened to children due to their childlike wonder and propensity for seeking new and exciting experiences. They use these experiences to gain fresh perspectives and understand the world from a different point of view. However, their personalities and viewpoints can be capricious, subject to change without warning, and this apparent innocence can sometimes lead to cruel behavior. For gnomes, novel sensations can be both beautiful and grotesque, such as the smell of an unfamiliar flower or the sound of a squeezed eyeball.   Many gnomes recount tales of being born beneath flowers or within leaves in their far-off homeland, though these stories are likely purely mythical. However, they reveal an interesting aspect of gnome society: their families are typically small and while gnomes may have numerous intimate and affectionate relationships throughout their lives, they rarely choose to limit themselves with long-term commitments. The concept of "till death do us part" is romantic, and gnomes are known for their grand gestures and dramatic emotions, but they quickly view any monogamous relationship as a series of closed doors and move on, even if only to fall in love again. As lifelong unions like marriage are uncommon, the transient nature of relationships means that having children is usually not advisable, and practical gnomes take steps to avoid conception. Nonetheless, every year some gnomes decide to start a family as their newest adventure and reproduce, ensuring the survival of their race for another generation. Gnomes have a natural understanding that relationships are transient, leading them to leave the decision of procreation to the women.
350 years; bleachlings until slain
Average Height
90 cm to 110 cm
Average Weight
13.5 kg to 18 kg


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