Frosthide Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Frosthide, the untanned skin of creatures empowered with the power of ice, has unique characteristics that make it useful in a number of situations. Its natural frigid aura makes it ideal for storing and transporting perishable products, since it helps to keep the temperature low and the items fresher for longer. However, because of the lack of a complete tanning process, Frosthide has a short lifespan and tends to degrade over time, necessitating regular replacement.   There is now a race to create a technique that converts Frosthide into Frostleather. The idea is to preserve both the hide's elemental qualities and the resilience and lifespan that come with leather. However, all attempts to accomplish this feat have failed, resulting in leather that has lost its original properties. Despite much testing and effort, maintaining elemental qualities while obtaining the requisite durability and functionality remains difficult. Frostleather is currently a hypothetical material.   As a result, Frosthide is typically cured into a rigid form similar to raw hide. In this form, it retains its elemental aura and is beneficial in a variety of applications. However, the lack of a thorough tanning process renders it less resilient and prone to degeneration over time. Which means that Frosthide-based goods must be maintained on a regular basis to keep them working.   On occasion, attempts are undertaken to half-tan Frosthide in order to find a compromise between conserving elemental qualities and increasing utilization. While this method may produce a more workable form of Frosthide, it typically compromises the required elemental qualities and reduces its inherent abilities.   The search for a trustworthy procedure for converting Frosthide into Frostleather continues, motivated by a desire to realize the full potential of this unusual material. Researchers and craftsmen work hard to strike a delicate balance between keeping the elemental qualities and obtaining the requisite durability, investigating unusual techniques, and experimenting with many different methods to uncover the mysteries of Frostleather.


Material Characteristics

Frosthides are often black or dark blue in color but otherwise resemble typical rawhide or half-tanned leathers.
Common State


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