Firehide Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Firehide, made from the skins of fire elemental creatures, possesses elemental qualities that make it a valuable material in the world of Dessend. Its main feature is its inherent ability to create heat, which makes it ideal for applications that require warmth and insulation.   Firehide is most commonly used as a liner material for containers that are intended to keep their contents warm. Its remarkable thermal qualities guarantee that heat generated within the container is effectively stored, allowing the contents to remain at a high temperature. This makes Firehide an excellent choice for keeping food, drinks, and other goods warm during transportation or storage.   Additionally, parts of firehide that have not been cleared of fur or down are frequently utilized as warm blankets. Firehide blankets are highly useful in extreme cold climates since they provide a steady source of warmth and good insulation. They efficiently keep body heat, ensuring maximum comfort on cold nights or in adverse weather conditions.

The Chronicler's Insights

Firehide, an extraordinary material fashioned from the skins of fire-elemental creatures, boasts a rather unique sourcing process. It is primarily harvested from giant fire lizards and false phoenixes. One might assume that true phoenixes could serve as a reliable source, but their flesh, true to their cyclical nature of rebirth, transmutes into ash and cinders the moment it is separated from their bodies.   The remarkable fire elemental properties of Firehide render it a perfect insulator for heated objects. Not only does it possess the capacity to contain heat, but it also actively generates it. As a result, most Firehide finds its purpose in the creation of fireskins, invaluable companions for those embarking on arduous journeys. These fireskins excel at keeping soups and beverages piping hot. However, speaking from personal experience, a firehide-lined cloche also serves as an excellent warmer for one's dinner when the demands of the day make a timely meal impossible to enjoy.


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