Ebishi the Shark Character in Dessend | World Anvil
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Ebishi the Shark


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ebishi is a striking female Selachii with sleek, silver-gray skin and dark, piercing eyes that glow with an icy blue hue. Her lithe and muscular body stands at around four and a half feet tall, adorned with distinct patterns of darker gray along her back and dorsal fins. Her razor-sharp teeth and powerful jaw add to her intimidating presence. Ebishi moves with a fluid grace, and her every motion carries a sense of predatory elegance.

Special abilities

As a Selachii, Ebishi possesses exceptional swimming skills and agility underwater. Her powerful tail allows her to swiftly navigate through the ocean depths, and her gills enable her to breathe efficiently in aquatic environments. In combat, she relies on her natural shark-like instincts, utilizing her speed, strength, and sharp teeth to overpower her foes. Additionally, Ebishi has honed her senses and instincts to sense the emotions and intentions of others, making her an astute judge of character.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ebishi grew up in a secluded Selachii settlement, where she faced both admiration and scrutiny due to her distinct features and strong personality. From an early age, she questioned the rigid hierarchy and "might makes right" mentality of her society, challenging the norms and pursuing her own path. Ebishi yearned for acceptance and understanding, both from her own kind and other races.   Motivated by her desire for authenticity and understanding, Ebishi's journey takes her beyond the boundaries of her Selachii settlement. She seeks to forge her own path, finding a place where she can be truly understood and appreciated for who she is. Along the way, she challenges societal norms, embraces her own strengths and weaknesses, and learns that true acceptance and happiness come from within oneself.   Ebishi made the choice to leave the sea and explore life on the surface. Ebishi's strong sense of individuality and her desire to be understood led her to seek new experiences and connections beyond her Selachii settlement. The surface world offered a different environment, diverse cultures, and interactions with other races, which provided Ebishi with opportunities to find acceptance and understanding in a different context.   When venturing onto the surface, she discovered new perspectives, confronted different challenges, and forged her own identity away from the expectations and limitations of her underwater home. Ebishi's journey to the surface was driven by a thirst for knowledge, a longing for connection with other races, and a curiosity about the world beyond her own. It offered her a chance to test her own resilience, adaptability, and independence as she navigated unfamiliar territories and encountered new obstacles.   Ultimately, Ebishi's choice to leave the sea and explore life on the surface was a significant turning point fot her, allowing her to discover her true potential and find a place where she could truly be herself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Unapologetic: Ebishi refuses to apologize for being true to herself and embracing her unique identity, even when faced with judgment or misunderstanding.   Independent: She relies on her own strength and resourcefulness, avoiding dependence on others. Ebishi values self-sufficiency and freedom.   Perseverance: Ebishi has faced adversity and challenges throughout her life but remains resilient, always pushing forward and striving to live life on her own terms.   Seeking Understanding: Ebishi yearns for genuine understanding and acceptance, both from her own people and other races. She believes in the power of empathy and strives to bridge gaps of understanding.   Protective: While she may appear guarded, Ebishi fiercely protects those she cares about and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.

Personality Characteristics


Ebishi embodies independence and resilience. She refuses to conform to societal expectations or be judged by others. Fierce and determined, she embraces her own uniqueness, valuing her individuality above all else. While she can appear aloof and distant at times, she is fiercely loyal to those who truly understand her. Ebishi is introspective and values self-discovery, always seeking to understand herself better and live life on her own terms.
Current Location
Current Residence
Piercing, icy blue
Shoulder-length, snow white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sleek, grey and silver
142 cm
69 kg
Aligned Organization


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