Cogworks Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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The term "cogworks" refers to any mechanism consisting primarily of toothed axles and wheels, although this is not a physical material in itself. Cogworks, like other materials, can serve both practical and decorative functions. Gnomes are credited with pioneering cogwork technology, but other races have also adopted and adapted it, sometimes using alternative terms such as gearwork or clockwork to describe similar mechanisms.   Cogworks can be made from a variety of materials. The most common are brass, bronze, copper, iron, and steel. Wooden gears were widely used in the early stages of cogwork development, and they are still used in low-cost cogworks today. However, wooden gears are less effective with small gear sizes because of the risk of the wood grain shearing.


Material Characteristics

Cogworks are made up of a combination of cogs, gears, sprockets, axles, springs, chains, and various other components. Each of these elements is carefully designed to function through the interlocking and meshing of the individual teeth. The interlocking and meshing of their teeth allows the various parts to move smoothly and in a coordinated manner, allowing the cogworks to perform their intended functions.   Each component plays a specific role within the overall mechanism. Cogs and gears use their interlocking teeth to transmit motion and torque from one part to another. Sprockets are similar to gears but have teeth designed to mesh with chain and can be used in mechanisms that involve linear motion or power transmission. Axles provide support and rotational stability, while springs provide tension, compression, or torsional force, giving the mechanism dynamism and flexibility.   The careful design and precision required to manufacture these components ensure the smooth and efficient operation of cogworks. Attention to detail in tooth profiles, spacing, and alignment is critical to avoid problems such as misalignment, slippage or premature wear.

Life & Expiration

The repetitive interlocking and meshing of teeth within the various components of a cogwork system causes wear. Frictional erosion is a natural result of the contact between tooth surfaces during operation. Over time, this friction can lead to gradual wear and tooth loss. In addition, the stress on the teeth during power and torque transmission can contribute to damage.   Loss of teeth in cogworks can lead to a cascade of problems and mechanical failures. When teeth are lost, the remaining teeth are placed under greater stress, potentially accelerating their own wear. This can lead to a chain reaction in which the failure of one component leads to the failure of adjacent components, ultimately leading to a malfunction or complete breakdown of the mechanism.   For critical components where the loss of adjacent teeth can have a significant impact on the function of the mechanism, the simultaneous loss of teeth can lead to a sudden failure of the entire mechanism. The interdependence and precise alignment of teeth in gears make them vulnerable to such failures when tooth loss occurs.

History & Usage


The invention of the first cogworks is credited to the gnomes. These early devices were quite primitive, using large wooden spoked cogs to redirect the rotational power generated by windmills or watermills. Over time, however, this basic concept underwent significant development. New component shapes were created, and the entire process was refined and miniaturized. Therefore, there was a need to switch from wooden to metal components to accommodate the increased complexity and smaller size of the gears.

Everyday use

Many settlements continue to use larger wooden cogwork assemblies in their windmills. In some cases, more advanced configurations include switches that allow rotational energy to be redirected to various automated mechanisms. By redirecting rotational energy, these mills can perform a variety of tasks beyond grinding. The energy can be used to power bellows for blacksmithing, to power saw blades for woodworking, or to lift heavy hammers for smithing.   Smaller and more complex mechanisms find their place in the production of timepieces and artistic curiosities. The craftsmanship required to design and construct these delicate mechanisms is extensive, making them extremely desirable and expensive items. Their intricate gears, cogs, and other components work together to create captivating and precise movements that capture the imagination and fascination of those who appreciate the beauty of mechanical art.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Cogwork is perceived differently in different cultures. While some cultures value the craftsmanship and aesthetics of cogwork creations, and value the artistry and feel of mechanical devices, others find them unnecessary. In societies where magic is easily accessible to the general population, many people find it more convenient and cost-effective to automate their tools using spells rather than relying on rotational energy from wind or water. Proponents of magic emphasize the advantages of animated tools as they can be brought directly to the desired location, eliminating the need to transport the work to a fixed mill or mechanical system.

Reusability & Recycling

When cogwork devices fail, the intact components are carefully retrieved and used to build or repair additional mechanisms. Damaged metal components are kept aside and accumulate until an ample amount is amassed. At this point, the salvaged materials are meticulously sorted and organized according to the metals they contain. Once sorted, the damaged components are melted and recast.


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