Breezehide Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Breezehide is made from the skin of air elementals and has unique elemental properties that make it a special material. Its main characteristic is its exceptional permeability to fresh air while blocking the passage of other substances.   Breezehide stands out for its exceptional ability to provide a constant supply of fresh air, making it the ultimate solution for scenarios where optimal ventilation and air circulation are of utmost importance. In rooms where Breezehide is used, residents can enjoy a constant supply of clean, fresh air, creating a more comfortable and healthy environment.   In completely enclosed spaces, Breezehide exhibits an even more remarkable feature. It can generate fresh air itself and thus contribute to a self-sufficient air supply in the smallest of spaces. However, this process accelerates the deterioration of the material so that it breaks down more quickly.   Breezehide's elemental properties provide invaluable solutions to air quality and circulation problems, particularly in environments where fresh air is difficult to obtain or where a constant flow of clean air is critical.

The Chronicler's Insights

Breezehide, a remarkable material harvested from air-elemental creatures, finds its primary sources in the skins of asperi and kirin. Its elemental properties endow it with a unique ability: the capacity to filter and even generate fresh air. Regardless of its thickness, a section of breezehide serves as an impeccable air purifier. It screens out impurities ranging from noxious gases to the most pungent odors, leaving only crisp, clean air for its wearer.   I had the privilege of fully exploiting the elemental properties of breezehide during my sojourn among the Selachii, a sea-dwelling, shark-like people. Even when not exposed to air, breezehide continuously produces fresh air. Yet, this incredible ability comes at a price, as the hide degrades rapidly when employed in this manner. Nonetheless, a simple facemask crafted from breezehide can supply several hours of air, even at the unfathomable depths of the ocean.   However, the true zenith of breezehide's utility lies in the creation of breezeskins. These ingenious waterskins, fashioned from breezehide, not only contain liquids but also infuse them with air. Beverages that spend a few hours within a breezeskin acquire a fizzy, occasionally foamy texture reminiscent of freshly poured ale. Among the affluent connoisseurs, it's an unshakable belief that the added air aids digestion and elevates the overall refinement of their drinks. I've witnessed them place a bewildering array of liquids within their breezeskins. Some choices are logical, such as ale, which the breezeskin preserves from going stale and flat. Yet, others border on the eccentric, including milk and potions—almost as though these individuals cannot abide imbibing anything that hasn't had a breath of air added to it.


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