Adamantium Material in Dessend | World Anvil
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Adamantium, a metal of extraordinary hardness obtained from celestial bodies, is commonly known as adamantite in its raw form. Its unparalleled hardness renders it a perfect candidate for the production of weaponry and protective gear. Weapons forged from adamantium possess the ability to penetrate various substances, even the resilient and lightweight mithril. The durability of adamantium armor is unrivaled, enabling it to endure the most forceful strikes.


Material Characteristics

Adamantium is a dark, almost black metal with a dull red appearance. It is often treated to darken its apperance before being coated with wax or resin to give it a polished appearance as it lacks a natural shine.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Adamantium is an extremely hard and durable metal that requires significant effort to manipulate or damage. When exposed to acids, it often darkens without causing significant damage. Although it is not a very good conductor of heat, it is an excellent conductor of electricity.

Geology & Geography

Adamantite is a highly decentralized resource found exclusively in unusual meteorites and asteroids called blackstones. It is therefore only available where these celestial bodies fall. Therefore, the discovery of adamantite is considered a windfall for those who find it, even if they are unable to mine it themselves, as the blackstone itself can still be sold for a profit. However, at least one mine was created in a region where a giant blackstone asteroid hit, allowing for greater mining of this powerful material.

Origin & Source

Adamantium is a metal made by processing adamantite ore. The only forges that can smelt the ore use redstones gathered from The Furnacelands. It is important to forge the metal while it is still hot from the smelting process, as once it has cooled to room temperature it becomes extremely difficult to return it to a workable state.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

Dwarves avoid using adamantium as an expression of racial pride. Because of their heritage and experience, dwarves have long used mithril as their metal of choice. Mithril is valued for its lightness and durability and is found primarily in deep underground locations accessible only to dwarves. This virtually exclusive access gives them overall control over the surface's mithril supply. However, after interacting with the surface world, they were introduced to adamantium, an exceptionally strong metal from the sky that can easily penetrate their mithril. They also note that adamantium cuts through stone with unnatural ease.


The mining and refining of adamantite does not pose any specific hazards beyond those associated with other mining, smelting or forging processes. However, the exceptional toughness of adamantite ore brings with it another difficulty. To effectively mine it, special adamantium equipment is often required.

Reusability & Recycling

Due to its exceptional resistance once smelted and cooled, adamantium is practically impossible to recycle. When adamantium items are recovered, they are often reused by the adventurer who found them, or sold if they don't fit. Some recovered suits of adamantium armor may remain in shops for a long time, waiting for a customer of a suitable size.


Trade & Market

Only wealthy, seasoned adventurers tend to purchase adamantium equipment. Although adamantium armor would provide superb protection for aristocrats and royalty, the cost can often be prohibitively expensive for them.
Approx 450 gp per kg
Very rare
Lingering scent of ozone.
Dark dull red, nearly black.
Common State


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