About the Stagnation of Technology in Dessend | World Anvil
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About the Stagnation of Technology

The advancement of technology in the world of Dessend is hindered by the widespread use of the Aether. This magic is so powerful that it can perform tasks and fulfill needs that would be impossible without it. A prime example of this is the humble water fountain, which has been in use for nearly 10,000 years on Earth, but is a relatively new concept in Dessend.   In Dessend, every court mage, high priest, and tribal shaman has the ability to magically produce clean water at a remarkable rate of 100 gallons per minute. As a result, most towns have a simple reservoir that the local spellcaster fills at least twice a day, or as often as needed. Most settlements have at least two spellcasters, who may be a priest and a mage, or a master and an apprentice, the latter not producing at the same rate as his mentor but still capable of producing clean water.   The invention of the well, less than a century ago, was prompted by the sudden death of a settlement's priest. With no natural source of fresh water nearby, the townspeople had no choice but to dig deep holes in the hope of finding water. The idea was inspired by the fact that when deep holes were dug, water would sometimes collect at the bottom and flow in from the sides of the hole. Several able-bodied men took up the task of digging the holes, and almost all of them succeeded in finding water. Some of the holes were later filled in, while the rest were lined with stone to prevent them from collapsing. These were the first wells. Over time, word of the wells spread, and some small settlements dug their own wells as an emergency source of water, though they still rely primarily on magically produced water.   Another small example of the influence of magic on technology in Dessend is the use of forging hammers. On Earth, trip hammers were used before the use of electricity. These hammers were lifted by water wheels and released to strike by the force of gravity. In Dessend, however, the use of trip hammers was not even considered due to the prevalence of magic. Instead, automated forging hammers are enchanted to levitate and strike on command, eliminating the need for water or other mechanical means to power them.   Another example of how technology has been stunted in Dessend is in the field of medicine. Due to the prevalence of potions and healing magic, there has been little need for the development of surgical techniques. The most advanced procedure commonly performed is suturing a wound to prevent excessive bleeding until a healer can be consulted. As a result, the study of anatomy and physiology has not progressed beyond a basic level, as it is not considered a vital area of knowledge for most individuals. In addition, the development of tools such as scalpels and forceps has been limited, as magical healing can often be accomplished with simple potions and incantations.


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