Demon Species in Demon and the Witch | World Anvil
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Forms of jobs in hell: -Military General -> Basically archdemons runs pretty much everything extremely powerful -Deals - Make Deals with other creatures -> smooth talkers and basically business men - Department I guess? - The department for paperwork and hub that gives on jobs like who to make deals with who and other odd jobs to runner demons and the like -Torturers - For the people

Basic Information


take on the vessels of humans and look very different in their spirit forms

Genetics and Reproduction

Pretty immortal and birthed when angels fall from grace

Dietary Needs and Habits

Don't really need food, or only a little if habituating a human vessel.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Better, depends on the Demon but usually better than humans almost alway

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations


Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

they can lie with humans but try not to have kids Can lie with angels but don't fall in love and don't have kids
Scientific Name


Author's Notes

Can transport themselves, but it can take a lot of energy. short distances are easy. Long distances is very hard like across a country is very very difficult, but can be done at the expense of them arriving very fatigued. Taking people with you is also very difficult especially ESPECIALLY over long distances. If a demon transports with a person or even god forbid multiple people they would probs either end up being transported in the middle of the place they had been or the place they would be like unconscious or like if they did make it they would probs be unconscious for days (plot point later on) Angels can do it better than Demons because wings, but neither Angels nor Demons can transport with magical items hence why they chose runner angel to make the gambit.

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