Chromatic Dragons Myth in Delvia | World Anvil
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Chromatic Dragons

For centuries, little has been heard of dragons in Delvia. Some say they disappeared, some claim to know the stories of dragons being hunted to extinction, some say they killed each other in their pointless war. All that is certain is that they haven’t been seen in a very long time. 

What isn’t known for certain is that all of those tales are true, in their own way. For eons, the dragons fought each other, though their battles were generally fought by proxy, with dragons taking sides in mortal conflicts, or sending armies to hunt down their enemies. It was rare that two dragons would actually fight face to face, but when they did, the earth shook with the clashing of their unrivaled might. What follows is a compendium of famed chromatic dragons that were active during the height of the war, from 0AC to its end in 205AC. Age categories are assigned based on the author's best guess at their ages at the time of writing this article, the 16th of Sun's Dusk, 430AC.

Nuzzien, the Conqueror

Type. Red Dragon
Elder Wyrm
The Red Veil, Cleansing Fire, Devourer of Kingdoms
Status. Unknown
The name Nuzzien is spoken in hushed tones throughout Delvia. Those that have lived long enough to remember her blazing conquests will never forget. Nuzzien was the oldest chromatic dragon known to Delvia, and the fearsome commander of the Chromatic armies during the dragon war of centuries past. It was rare to see her on the battlefield, but when she did, she made sure not to leave a trace of her enemies behind. Even after the war was brought to a close in a stalemate, Nuzzien was never defeated, and she disappeared from the public view. There are still cults and other groups that worship her as a demigod, eagerly awaiting her return.


Xisveth, the Eternal Darkness

Type. Black Dragon
Ancient Dragon
The Plague of the South, the Smothering Shadow, Weaver of Death
Status. Deceased
To the oldest of elves, the name Xisveth brings memories of a plague on wings, a shadow that blocked the sun from entire countries, and further terrible legends. Despite his power, during the dragon war, Xisveth was rarely involved in large-scale battles. His power rivaled that of the chromatic dragons’ leader, Nuzzien, and Xisveth knew this very well. He continuously refused to bow to the red conqueror, and forged his own private war against the citizens of Viabuedon, culminating in him using his might and magic to level their capital city, Darvis Kur, and transform the surrounding lush forest into a treacherous swamp, sinking the former capital into the ground. After rooting out the mortal pests, Xisveth established his lair in the Sunken City, and searched for a way to overthrow Nuzzien. Supposedly, Xisveth succeeded in his endeavors, and found the secrets of a power so terrible that it caused the only recorded truce of the entire dragon war, when a subjugation party comprised of both metallic and chromatic dragons was sent to destroy him.


Jökull, the Everfrost

Type. White Dragon
Elder Wyrm
Status. Unknown
Jökull the Everfrost was the terror of the northerners during the dragon war. Any who wished to use Nespia to pass around borders would have to pay tribute to him or pay the price for their disrespect. His territory was frequently contested by the residing Silver Dragon, Akir, known as the Shield of the North, before Akir's death in the Subjugation of Xisveth the Black. With his reign unrivaled, Jökull enjoyed his position of power to the fullest until he disappeared mysteriously some time before the end of the war. Most historians believe the bloodline of Akir returned for revenge, but no Silver Dragon has made themselves known to the people of Nespia since.

Tirrianth, the Poison Fog

Type. Green Dragon
Category. Adult Dragon
Nicknames. Swamp-Monster, Fog of Death, Poison-Spitter
Status. Deceased
History. Tirrianth was a special case among the leaders of the chromatic armies. Legends passed down from the descendants of humans who fought for them tell that dragons could only be granted the rank of Praetor* if they were old enough to be classified as "ancient" (over 800 years old) and had proven themselves in battle by slaying a metallic dragon of equal or greater age. However, Tirrianth was the only dragon in history to achieve Praetorship at the (relatively) young age of 200 (estimated). Her legend begins with her victory in the caverns of the northern Viabuedon mountains, where she lured a squad of metallic dragons, including an ancient bronze general, and slayed them all by flooding the tunnels with her poisonous breath and picking them off one by one. Her hatred of the metallic dragons was well-known, but rumors supposedly said that she had once been one of the first chromatic eggs to be taken by Rossyth the Trickster, who wanted to prove a theory that the evil nature of chromatic dragons was purely a result of their environment. This, however, is only conjecture, and unlikely as Tirrianth was supposedly slain by Rossyth herself, breaking her oath of non-violence for the sake of ending one dragon's life.

Syth, the Suffocating Storm

Type. Blue Dragon
Category. Adult Dragon
Nicknames. No recorded titles
Status. Deceased
History. Syth was supposedly a descendant of Riesdireth the Tempest, a powerful elder wyrm who reigned over what is now western Zellek many centuries before the arrival of humans on Delvia. It is said that Riesdireth was an unparalleled strategist and master of the arcane, delving into the secrets of magic that most would intentionally leave undiscovered. The legend of Riesdireth mentions that they created a way to prolong their life and increase their magical powers tenfold, but the ritual was lost to the ages, along with Riesdireth's remains when they were eventually brought down. Syth supposedly carried Riesdireth's wit, as well as their thirst for knowledge, and spent her life searching for the tomb of their ancestor. Syth faded into obscurity after the end of the dragon war, but just 6 years ago made an appearance in the city of Berit, which she had put under a spell while she took control of their mining operations and searched for the remains of her ancestor. She was discovered and later defeated by a group of adventurers, who later took up residence in the city.

*Praetor: A commanding rank in the chromatic armies. Only five existed at a time, each leading a large section of their brethren, as well as the humanoid soldiers that followed them. 


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