Ochiul Dragonului Species in Dead in Denver: Nightwalkers | World Anvil

Ochiul Dragonului

Ochiul Dragonului, or Dragon's Eye, is an exceedingly rare flower found only in the most remote areas of the Carpathian mountains. It lives briefly, growing from seed to flower and dying in the space of a single night. It vaguely resembles a rose, albeit an oddly-shaped one, with dusky petals and a crimson center.  

Difficult to study

The isolated area where it grows and its brief blooming period have made real study of the flower difficult for the few biologists who are aware of its existence. Though photographed extensively, it possesses characteristics that make a real examination difficult. For one, any sample or entire flower that is taken, still dies and rots utterly within a night. A variety of preservation methods have been tried, each equally as fruitless.   Secondly, the flower can seemingly appear in any season. whether any circumstance of weather or soil quality affects it in any way is currently unknown. Even predicting when and where in the region a flower will appear is currently not possible. Trekking through the mountains at night is unappealing, not in the least because of the long history of disappearances in the area.   Lastly, the flowers display unusual behavior in the presence of a person. They turn towards them, as if looking at whoever is in their presence. This should be impossible, for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, they do.  


Though unconfirmed by any researchers, there are persistent rumors that crushed petals of the Ochiul Dragonului are sold in black markets in Eastern Europe. It is unknown how the petals are said to have been prepared, or by whom. They are said to possess curative properties, especially in regards to circulation and vision.   These stories often have a dark edge to them, however. Some who claimed to have been cured miraculously by the Dragon's Eye find themselves unable to sleep without sinking into terrifying nightmares. In time, they are claimed to have been driven mad by awful visions.
Art by Midjourney