Clan Ravnos Ethnicity in Dead in Denver: Nightwalkers | World Anvil

Clan Ravnos

The much-maligned Ravnos are a clan of travelers and wanderers, rarely content to stay in any one place for long. They care little for temporal wealth or power, following their own dharma as handed down to them by long tradition. As such, it is little surprise that they are often persecuted by whoever happens to hold power in any given domain. Any amount of misfortunes are blamed on the Outsiders, with a basis in fact required nor asked for.   For their part, the typical Ravnos response to such oppression is a sort of jaded bemusement. Certainly, they are not surprised. They know the steps to this dance. Their part is the one of the trickster. The other, the devils, the will-o-wisps that would cause the young to stray from the righteous path. They lie, spinning webs of deception, bravely untangled by whoever is the hero of this particular story. They are vanquished, and all returns to how it should be.   But many younger Kindred forget. In the old stories, tricksters have teeth. And the ones belonging to the shilmulo are sharp indeed. They make no habit of messing with the possessions of the high and mighty. Except perhaps, the occasional poke and prod. Just to keep them on their toes. And so it should be no surprise, the Ravnos reason, when those that would aim to come for them with torches in the night are repaid in kind.   And ofcourse, this is not a storybook. The Deceivers have aims of their own. In their past lie dust and ashes. So many were lost in recent years that to call it a decimation would be an understatement. Yet, they have begun to dream. They dream of light, of radiance, of every color that can be perceived by the unliving eye. All pooling ever down, spiralling, down and down. They never reach the bottom, but awaken with an unexplained hope that brings a touch of desert warmth to their still and unmoving hearts.   Is it a calling? Is it a greeting? Or an omen? None know for sure, but that has never been something of concern. Each travels their own path, a spiral within a spiral. Why should the destination matter, so long as the journey brings a smile to your face?
Art by Midjourney