Formian Species in D&D world | World Anvil
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Formians are creatures that appear to be partially-upright ants with reddish-brown carapaces. They hail from another world, where order and law are obeyed to the exclusion of all else. They live in vast underground nests, with sprawling tunnels whose design has a strange logic. These creatures are aggressive, viciously attacking anything they deem a threat to their hive.   Formian society is set in castes: the workers are the lowest ranking members, followed by the warriors, followed by the taskmasters, followed by the myrmarchs, followed by the queens. Formians below the myrmarch in rank have little in the way of free will, and cannot speak, merely obeying the will of the queen or her myrmarch subordinates. The formian hivemind allows them to communicate; thus, formians have nearly perfect coordination in battle.   A hive tends to have one queen, between five and eight myrmarchs, four to twenty taskmasters, ten to fifty warriors, and between one and four hundred workers.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Formians don't serve any of the gods. They want nothing more than to be left alone to build their ever-growing, orderly corners of the Celestial Realms.

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