The Seeker Clan of dwarves Organization in Dayeimbe | World Anvil
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The Seeker Clan of dwarves

1. What sets this group apart from the main society they came from? The Seeker Clan of dwarves are a mining clan for whom gold and riches from the earth offer no great allure. Instead, they are miners who seek evidence of the past in their mines. There are two major sub-clans, the Pastseekers - archaeologists and Boneseekers - paleontologists. What value are gold and gemstones compared to stones and objects that held life or tell stories of the past?   2. What aspects of the dominant society are still there or still influence them? The Seeker Clans are still expert miners, but the valuables they find only serve to fund their excavations as the search for evidence of the past.   3. Who gravitates towards this group? Why would someone fall in with them instead of going with the mainstream? Bards often fall in with the Pastseekers, writing epic poems and songs to share the history of the world. The Boneseekers attracted the attention of druids who are questing for greater knowledge of life that the world once had. Sufficient study of the skeletons of the past allow the more powerful druids access to their forms in wild-shape. Sometimes necromancers will search out the Boneseekers for ethically sourced skeletons and a greater understanding of death and decay. Also, fossilised bone is far hardier than regular bone, so constructs tend to last longer than their 'fresher' counterparts.   4. What is their relationship to the dominant culture? Are they tolerated? Accepted? Shunned? Persecuted? Major dwarf clans view the Seekers as a harmless oddity. There is no competition for resources when their interests are so far from tradition, and the Seeker clans will often inform the more minerally inclined clans of rich veins of resources for a small cut of the proceeds.   5. What can they offer to the players that can't be found in the mainstream? The Seekers have grand museums throughout the world, which offer the players access to the rich and deep history of the land. Druids in the party may also be able to access dinosaur wild-shape forms if that's something the players are seeking but unable to access in your world.   6. You do you! Clan Words: Pastseekers: The past guides our future Boneseekers: The stones with life shine brightest of all   (see Conqurumm Trumm Dwarven Archeology in organizations)


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