Inside the Warehouse: Garden Wheel Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Inside the Warehouse: Garden Wheel

The party cautiously pushed forward to where they thought the Garden Wheel was located. Guy noticed segments of wall that seemed designed to slide and move, confirming the earlier thought that the maze like Warehouse does seem to shift and change.   After following the maze inwards, the party found the third wheel mounted into the floor. After turning it until it ground to a stop, and hearing walls moving in the distance, they retraced their steps and found a previously hidden room, and in it the Anvil of the Underdark.   When trying to leave the tightly wound garden maze, at the exit, they found themselves pinned in by the Beholder again. The party retreated back into the narrow garden maze, and tried to go through one of the teleportation sigils. (On trying to determine which of three sigils to use, Lyra decided "Yavanna is always right; we use the right sigil.")   The sigil took them to an abandoned, manicured garden, with distant garden party sounds in the air. Guy determined the garden "Very Sus". Gaps between the hedge rows dumped the party back in They decided to use the garden as a place to crash for a while, hoping to outwait the beholder.   The party ran into the Keeper again, and Lyra and Murtagh went to go speak with her. She was clearly annoyed with their interference in the Warehouse, but excused the delays with "it's only time," saying it would likely take 15 years per wheel turned to set things right. She also lets them know that to do a full reset, and reveal the exit again, they'll need to go find the lightning rods back in the warehouse proper.   They spent a long rest in the gardens, eating some Muffins for Bad Times.

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