Feeling Your Way in the Dark Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Feeling Your Way in the Dark

The party continued to feel it's way through the Winding Ways below the abby. Acter taking a short rest, leaving an acolyte tied and unconcious in the antechamber. Brine lead the way, serving as a sort of GPS with the pulsing in his head, leading their way deeper into Ways. The ways themselves twisted in on themselves, making it hard to follow Brine's cardinal direction. Along the way, Murtagh fell into a pit trap, making the party very cautious for further traps.   The party ended up wandering in circles, helped somewhat by Guy Fieri's flawless map making abilities- after stumbling upon and dispatching an ogre zombie, two ghasts and a living, crystal minotaur, the party found themselves back in the previously found treasure room.   The party tried to detect any magical affects in the room, and when Brine pointed out that both the strong box and the Jade statue in the center of the room had magical auras, Tethrys reached out to touch the jade statue.   The statue, not loving that, turned to face Tethrys, it's face turning into a grim mask of rage. A fight broke out, as one did, and the statue was only somewhat hampered by being too large to leave the room itself- Brine stood outside the room in the hallway, casting at a distance, Tethrys tried shocking the stone, and Guy Fieri and Murtagh held up the front line, chipping away at the stone as it started to shatter and pierce the party.   Once the statue was cracked, the party was feeling poorly- they found some health potions in the treasure room, but the remaining treasure was painted wood and worthless glass- a decoy room.   After investigating the strong box, which had also shown magical auras earlier, the party found a hidden door behind the strongbox and pushed onwards.   They found the true treassure room, two Iron Golems, and a rather smug Paladin, who they would later deduce was named Yrsa.   Yrsa taunted the party, mentioning how unfortunate was the party had chosen to come to, but "what could you expect from Humanoids."   Before she could order the golems to attack, the party attacked. Yrsa, held firm by Brine's Hold Person spell, was unable to act as the party tore though her and the golems, leaving the treasure room free to ransack. Along with treasure, the party found a torn document on Yrsa, apparently her marching orders⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣.   The party is now preparing to leave the Winding Ways.

Rewards Granted

Room with the Jade Statue

  • 5 Healing Potions
  • 3 Greater Healing potions
True Treasure Room