Chalice of the Deep Item in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Chalice of the Deep

Chalice of the Deep

Wondrous Item

Varies Requires Attunement

While you wear this amulet, you have resistance to fire damage and automatically succeed saving throws due to extreme heat climates. Additionally, you can cast the cantrip mind sliver.

This necklace is cool to the touch and hangs from a silver chain. Silver tentacles tapering into claws form a cage, filled with nothing but empty space. Some barrier prevents you from touching the surface of amulet. If you stare at the amulet for too long, you can see shadows begin to move in its depths and hear distant rumbling whispers just on the edge of understanding—before being jolted back to awareness, shadows and whispers gone.

  Chalice of the Deep   aka Shell of Ice, aka The Old One's Claw
Item type
4" x 6"