Skills with Different Abilities in Dawn | World Anvil
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Skills with Different Abilities

© DoStuffZ
I came past a discussion / reddit post asking if Strength + Intimidation would be doable, that one is specifically mentioned in the books. Someone else mentioned they allowed their Druids to roll Wisdom + Nature. I've previously tripped over a list that had two primary abilities for each skill.   D&D: Using Skills With Alternate Ability Scores   Variant: Skills with Different Abilities
Normally, your proficiency in a skill applies only to a specific kind of ability check. Proficiency in Athletics, for example, usually applies to Strength checks. In some situations, though, your proficiency might reasonably apply to a different kind of check. In such cases, the GM might ask for a check using an unusual combination of ability and skill, or you might ask your GM if you can apply a proficiency to a different check. For example, if you have to swim from an offshore island to the mainland, your GM might call for a Constitution check to see if you have the stamina to make it that far. In this case, your GM might allow you to apply your proficiency in Athletics and ask for a Constitution (Athletics) check. So if you're proficient in Athletics, you apply your proficiency bonus to the Constitution check just as you would normally do for a Strength (Athletics) check. Similarly, when your half-orc barbarian uses a display of raw strength to intimidate an enemy, your GM might ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma.   Strength
  • Strength + Intimidation as you break a brick just as easily as you’ll break the NPC who doesn’t give in
  • Strength + Thieves’ Tools as you brute force your way past the delicate trap mechanism
  • Strength + Performance as you perform impressive feats of strength for an enthralled audience
  • Strength + Stealth for when you’ve got to open those heavy oak doors without making a sound
  • Dexterity + Medicine to perform first aid or stabilize your companion while you’re on the back of a moving carriage
  • Dexterity + Arcana to quickly activate or deactivate a magical effect
  • Dexterity + Tinker’s Tools to make a delicate device, or repair something extremely sensitive without it setting off
  • Constitution + Stealth to remain hidden in a cramped ambush as you wait for your targets to approach
  • Constitution + History to sift through dense texts without falling asleep
  • Constitution + Animal Handling to tame that bitey/stingy/venomous beast you’ve just found
  • Constitution + Survival to make the most of a hazardous environment like a volcano
  • Constitution + Persuasion for keeping up with the group of bards trying to see who can get the most drunk
  • Constitution + Athletics To keep going, past the burning, the full marathon.
  • Intelligence + Survival to figure out the optimum pursuit path in your rooftop chase
  • Intelligence + Persuasion to destroy someone with logic and facts
  • Intelligence + Intimidation when you know exactly how you’re going to disintegrate someone atom by atom and want them to know too
  • Intelligence + Thieve's Tools Navigating a complex lock mechanism, that requires careful thought and consideration
  • Wisdom + Stealth to figure out a hiding spot nobody is likely to look
  • Wisdom + Deception to lie by omission without giving away the game
  • Wisdom + History to know how to use the historical facts you learned from the dungeon to ferret out the Mind Flayer thrall
  • Wisdom + Nature to know how the world works, and the wisdom behind
  • Charisma + Arcana to overcome the magical wards by sensing the magic–kinda like how sorcerers and warlocks cast spells with Charisma
  • Charisma + Animal Handling to calm down the angry but intelligent plant
  • Charisma + Stealth to walk through the castle dressed as a nondescript person who just fades into the background and isn’t worth investigating

Alternate Tool proficiency attributes

So each skill and tool is linked to a ability score, problem is I can't find a solid answer what tool is linked to what ability score! and some appear to be linked to more than one ability score! here are some examples:
  • Alchemist’s supplies: wisdom or intelligence
  • Brewer’s supplies: wisdom, constitution or intelligence
  • Calligrapher's supplies: Dexterity, charisma or intelligence
  • Carpenter’s tools: Dexterity or wisdom
  • Cartographer’s tools: wisdom or intelligence
  • Cobbler’s tools: dexterity or wisdom
  • Cook’s utensils: wisdom or intelligence
  • Glassblower’s tools: Dexterity or constitution
  • Jeweler’s tools: dexterity, charisma or intelligence
  • Leatherworker’s tools: dexterity or wisdom
  • Mason’s tools: strength or wisdom
  • Painter’s supplies: charisma
  • Potter’s tools: charisma
  • Smith’s tools: dexterity, intelligence or strength
  • Tinker’s tools: intelligence
  • Weaver’s tools: wisdom or dexterity
  • Woodcarver’s tools: same as Carpenter’s tools
  • Gaming sets: charisma, intelligence or dexterity
  • Instruments: Charisma
  • Thieves tools: dexterity or wisdom (if your looking at this and going WHY WISDOM its to listen to the lock or device for clicks and other sounds)
  • Disguise kit: charisma or intelligence
  • Forgery kit: charisma, dexterity or intelligence
  • Herbalism kit: wisdom or intelligence
  • Navigator's tools: intelligence or wisdom
  • Poisoner's kit: intelligence or wisdom
Variant: Skills with Different Abilities


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