Session 0 topics in Dawn | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 0 topics

Written by DoStuffZ

Covering session 0 topics.

  1. Real Life Racism / Religious / Nationalism / Politics: Are not welcome in any form. We're here to enjoy an adult game of RPG, VTT, D&D.
  2. Personal attacks: Are not welcome here. Yes, we may RP scenes and our characters may disagree or argue for a point of view. That does not spill over into Real Life. When the scene ends or we call OOC, we talk like adults.
  3. Authority of Domain Owners: Domain owners, ranging from shopkeepers to kings, have the right to dictate laws and regulations within their respective domains.
  4. Authority of City Guards and Officials: While players have agency over their characters, city guards, mayors, and other authorities can establish and enforce rules within their domains.
  5. Fair Pay for Fair Work: In most situations / by default, actors (NPCs) will earn fair compensation for their efforts. Exceptions challenging this norm will be tied to specific scenes or chapters, offering associated quests or missions.
  6. Political Intrigue: Politics will be an integral part of the setting, with various in-setting entities engaging in political machinations and power struggles. Those will be tied to in-settings conflicts.
  7. Religious Elements: In-setting Religion will play a role in the setting, involving relevant entities and potential conflicts related to in-settings faith.
  8. Off-Screen Treatment of Sexuality and Relationships: Topics related to sexuality and relationships will generally be handled off-screen, maintaining a focus on other aspects of the narrative.
  9. "How do you want to do this?": Celebratory moments, such as defeating a BBEG, will involve players describing their victories. While encouraged to be descriptive, language should remain adult without particular unpleasent topics.
  10. Character Death and Consequences: Open dice rolls will determine character fate reaching 0 HP. Incapacitated characters will pick up lingering injuries. Extra XP may be awarded for roleplaying specific conditions.
  11. Intra-Elf Relations: Situations between high-elves and half-elves will be explored within a roleplaying tone, providing opportunities for character development.
  12. Races: While most species can be active in civilisations, there may be some challenges proving you are not feral. Any racial conflicts or biases will be in-setting RP oppertunities. This is a game, we kill mobs, we earn XP. Those have always been true within the D&D game.
  13. Discouragement of PvP: PvP conflicts are discouraged and should be resolved through roleplaying or mature discussions.
  14. In-Game Substance Use: A fictional "drug" will be present in the setting, with effects comparable to spells or wild magic results.
  15. In-Game Actions: Player actions will be confined to the setting, with real-world justifications not serving as grounds for bad faith actions within the game.

I Do Not Do Evil!

Q: What is evil?
A: Unnecessary explicit torment, killing, terrorising, bullying. Just because an NPC couldn't help you, does not give you the right to murder hobo.   Q: what if I accidently did something to be evil?
A: I'm considering you taking a deliberated and considered action towards enacting evil on to others. I may charm you or other spell effects, that does not make you taking deliberate actions. You were under the influence. If you continue the actions afterwards, and excusing it with spell effect or otherwise, that'll be bad faith.
  1. Non-Evil Alignment Principle: Characters are expected to refrain from engaging in explicit evil actions, such as unnecessary torment, killing, terrorizing, or bullying. Murder hobo behavior, particularly without valid in-game justifications, is discouraged.
    • Defining Evil Actions: Evil actions are those involving gratuitous harm and malevolence. Just because an NPC couldn't assist you doesn't justify murderous behavior.
    • Accidental Evil Actions: Accidental actions leading to perceived evil outcomes will be distinguished from deliberate and considered choices. Influences like spells may occur, but ongoing deliberate actions under the guise of external influence may be considered bad faith.

I consider all my players to be mature adult individuals. We all have topics we are or are not happy exploring or talking about.


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