Regnum Settlement in Daven Rock | World Anvil
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The lost city of Regnum was the capital of the Regnumech empire which fell during the Cladeon. The newest of the pre Cladeon empires it’s capital Regnum was the principal of their technology. A large city with lots of metal structures, pipes and wires running around. The sound of gears and cogs was filling the air constantly joined by the hissing of steam pushing its way through pipes, vents and seals through out the city. This empire was built and grew against the Dun Mar based on the premise that they could fight with automatons, thus preventing thier resurrection by the Dun Mar.   The city fell during the Cladeon as the people there were taken and enslaved by the illithid, now in the north of Zarhalen in the untouched forest the city sits in wait. Abandoned by those who lived there the automatons continued tier tasks until time took its toll and they slowly rusted and frozen in the middle of their tasks. Giving the city and eerie vibe of quiet stillness yet still in motion. Vines have overgrown the city, pipes restricted by nature worn and rusted.   In its time the city stood tall and worked centrally to the empire it was able to helm the war on the Dun Mar. Built over what was once a set of hot springs they were able to generate their power needed by harnessing that natural steam vents present to push positions and turn gears. All sorts of people lived here some never leaning the city for it provided all they needed. Most worked with the machinery making it move and work for them allowing them to focus on one task while their machines took care of the rest of their tasks providing them a relaxed lifestyle where they could live in luxury.

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