Shifting Sands Geographic Location in Navruka | World Anvil

Shifting Sands

The Shifting Sands is the name given to a region that lies between the Western Great Waters and the Greater and Lesser Spine Mountains. While the whole region is a desert, it is divided into three distant parts.   The first is the shrublands that is bordered by canyons/foothills just before the Greater and Lesser Spine Mountains. This is a semi-arid desert that has some rainfall during the short winter months and has a few precious rivers cutting through it, though how full these rivers are depend on the season and how generous the rains had fallen. It is here the majority of the Sand Walker Grands are located. Also seen here are the Great Arcers, the largest species of Arcers, pack hunting Desert Drakes, larger species of Sand Eaters and Striders, both of whom the local Daulka have domesticated.   The second is a coastal desert by the coast of the Western Great Waters. Fog is frequent, but rain itself uncommon. Similar fauna is found here as it is in the shrublands, though the flora is more adapted to sea water. Also present here are exile Daulka known as the Fog Raiders.   Last is the central part of the region that is the source of its name. This is a hot and dry desert populated by ever shifting dunes of sand. Rain is very rare here, thus the only source of water is from the occasional morning fog that drifts in from the coast and the oasis' that are dotted around the area.
Wildlife typically small and burrowing. Smaller species of Sand Eaters are present, along with Shard Backs: the latter being a living source of glass for the Daulka. Dune Snakes are the apex predator here.
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