Ringwarden Settlement in Darkguard | World Anvil
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The Five-Ringed City

The districts of the only large city in the kingdom are built in a way that they are almost stacked on top of each other. The buildings outside the walls are the farms, homesteads, and breweries that supply the city. The outer "ring" is filled with shops, taverns, inns, restaurants, and guildhalls for weary travelers coming into the city. The layer above that is for the artisans and peasants that have a job inside the walls of the city, and it's mainly where the poor of the city live. The next layer is where most of the shops for the citizens of the city are, including some more exotic things. The ring following the Commercial District is the Scholar's Ring, where the merchants and other middle-class people live. This also includes temples to different deities, as well as schools and universities. The next ring isn't really a ring, but rather an octagonal outer keep of the central castle. Inside it live all the nobles and aristocrats without any true territory, just titles. In the very center is the inner keep, or the Crown Palace for the royal family and their attendants. The layers of the city are crisscrossed by plenty of canals, with the water coming from the Silk River. The city has about 18,000 people living in it, not counting armies, traveling merchants, etc.
Founding Date
Speculated to be sometime in the year 134 CE.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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