The Denir Organization in Dark Universe | World Anvil
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The Denir

Once a Cassad...

  The Denir, a strong leading family that runs the world Pacifica. Hundreds of years ago they were a Cassad house and sent to Pacifica to “re-colonize” the world for the growing Cassad empire. Achieving this brought them some measure of power and fame, enough that the Cassad leader, Halima Cassad, a woman who was only four places away from heading the entire empire, decided to disavow her claim and cut ties to the Cassad family. Only the fact that the newly christened House of Denir remained loyal to the empire kept the Cassads from re-taking the world. When the empire began its slow collapse it was in part because of worlds much like Denir, long lost Cassad cousins so far removed from the family line but yet still with major power and influence throughout the known. It was easy for the Denir to join the Coalition and become a part of the New Regime. They already had divorced themselves from the family and they still maintained the ties with the Cassad regents and “ambassadors” of the disenfranchised. As a smaller world the Denir are still on the main Coalition council, they’re judgment sought in all matters Cassad related. Stylistically the Denir prefer to appear more natural, insisting their tech be invisible. Security and Officials wear only light ceremonial jewels and garb, often appearing half naked and barefoot. Soldiers, too, appear only in light bindings but have painted on “glyphs” that are actually dermal ARMOR, providing magnetic shielding. The bottoms of their feet are lined with a pad that protects them as well. The different forces of their governmental forces wear glyphs that glow in differing colors; Red, Green and BLACK. Their weaponry is as sophisticated as the Cassads but styled and hidden in traditionally ancient weapon design.
The Trial of Cassad
created by Howard Night
Geopolitical, Empire

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