The Order of Illtyd the Wise Organization in Dark Ages | World Anvil
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The Order of Illtyd the Wise

This is a semi-monastic religious order dedicated to Illtyd, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Devotion to Illtyd grew as citizens of the Empire turned from the Nine Gods to the Light of Amon. The Order emerged in opposition to the Cult of A'ani the All-Knowing, which continued underground even after it had been outlawed in the Empire. It was worldly in orientation, focusing more on stewardship of knowledge than devotion to arcana as a path to power. Members of the Order became great teachers, scholars, and librarians, at times advising governors, kings, and even emperors.

Public Agenda

The Order stands to guard the knowledge of the past, to prevent its destruction by those who would rashly try to do good by eliminating "dangerous" ideas, but also to control access to knowledge so as to prevent its misuse. While it maintains its great library and school at Caer Tewdrig, the Order promotes the foundation of small schools throughout the former imperial towns and cities. Such schools would expand the teaching of reading and writing, making it possible for all people to read and reflect on the holy books for themselves.

Tenets of Faith

The Order holds to the ideal of knowledge directed by wisdom. Knowledge for its own sake, or worse still knowledge driven by curiosity, can only lead to disaster. Instead, those who seek knowledge must direct their efforts toward bettering the lives of others, whether by organization, invention, or record-keeping. True service to Illtyd craves no reward beyond the satisfaction of seeing knowledge used in such a way. Wealth is not condemned, but it is always used to acquire more knowledge, to use directly or (in the case of dangerous knowledge) to contain and limit access to it. The basic tenets are these:
  1. True knowledge can only be attained through wisdom
  2. True knowledge must only be sought through necessity
  3. True knowledge is embodied most perfectly in its wise use
These tenets imply the following corollaries when it comes to forms of knowledge that depart from the teachings of Illtyd:  
  1. Knowledge must never be destroyed
  2. Dangerous knowledge must be controlled
  3. The wise sage will reveal the wisdom that contains ungovernable knowledge


Priests of Illtyd can be found almost anywhere in their endless quest for knowledge, scrolls, and books. They dress in dark cowled robes and wear the symbol of the ankh. While they are most frequently encountered near libraries, they may be found on the docks bargaining with shipmasters for some old books or records, in parchment or ink shops looking for supplies, or even in taverns gathering tales to verify key pieces of knowledge and facts they have come upon in their reading.   They can likewise be found either visiting, supervising, or running the schools the Order has founded. These schools focus on the basics of reading and writing; students of real promise are referred to the Great School at Caer Tewdrig. The students dress in green, with yellow stripes added to signify their rank and progress. Those who attend the Great School dress in light grey robes, gaining cowls as they advance. Those few who go on to become acolytes in the Order are given their dark robes.

Temet nosce per deum

Religious, Holy Order

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