Sentinel Mural Item in Dankar | World Anvil
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Sentinel Mural

Ancient depictions of the Sentinels

The Sentinel mural is a large mural located in a ruin of the Known World. It depicts the last five Sentinels, along with extra lines and symbols surrounding them. The mural is popular with many people, who spend their entire lives trying to understand what the early humanoids were trying to say about the ancient beings. Even though it has been studied for thousands of years, people are still arguing about what the mural actually says.


The Sentinel mural is very popular, with thousands going to see it at least once in their lifetimes. However, where most people just see beautiful art, there are many people who have tried to decipher the painting all their lives.   Scholars, academics and historians spend their lives studying the mural, trying to understand what it says about the Sentinels. People who are learning the lost language believe the symbols are the script of the ancient language the old humanoids spoke, and are trying to translate it. Some navigators and cartographers also think the lines show directions to an unknown place, and that the mural is actually a world map.   However, the most interesting discoveries come from the Convoys, who say that the mural is much more than just a painting, and that the Sentinel's poses were not drawn by accident. According to them, the Sentinels in the mural change their pose when the mural is touched in certain places. They believe the mural is some sort of puzzle. Some Convoys and even ordinary people have also claimed that the Sentinels have spoken directly to them, although all these claims have yet to be substantiated.
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