Pit of Death Building / Landmark in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Pit of Death

The Pit of Death was an open deep mass grave full of rotting corpses. Some reported that there was movement down there, but it was probably from the worms feeding on the corpses. The pit had a constant smell of Death surrounding it.

Purpose / Function

Dead bodies were thrown down there sometimes if one couldn't afford to bury them.


The pit's contents slowly shrinked as the bodies decomposed, but it filled up even faster due to new bodies being thrown down there.


Dug in the second Mantarhold coalition war, due to there being so many dead that they couldn't be buried. The bottom of the pit was filled with corpses of Soldiers from both sides of the war.   Then in a period of peace during the year 1206 in the Age of Ruanon, Gau Dwarovar decided to bury the pit.
1206 AoR
Founding Date
-1539 AoE
Parent Location

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