Orphans Gang Organization in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Orphans Gang

As their name suggests they often hired orphans. They were mostly known for petty crimes such as pickpocketing, scamming, and robbing Merchants, but some of their members have done bigger crimes too (such as murder). Rumors were that they treated each other like family, and their members' strong bond is what made them stand out from the rest.


Orphans Gang started as one of the more well-known Rogue gangs of Sanctuary, but have grown to having many branches all around the globe by the time they disbanded. It is not unlikely that quite a few of the criminal organizations of today were originally founded by members of the Orphans Gang.


They disbanded when Sanctuary got buried in rubble.
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Unknown - 1443 AoR

Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Orphan Rogues
Leader Title

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