Bwerteran Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Bwerteran (bvɛrtɛrɒn)

Bwerteran is a town built around the Blood River that's mostly known for supplying Spices from the Blood Swamp to the rest of the Caverns of Dwarovar. It used to be a Mining and Processing town before they found Spices outside.


Quite a few Adventurers that are looking to make a fortune by going to the Blood Swamp to collect expensive Spices.


Pretty standard, except the Spice Seekers Guild has quite a lot of sway in the current government.


Buildings are scattered around and the town is split into many smaller sections, but there are no districts. The locals get by via counting and naming bridges.


The town started as a Mining and Processing settlement, to mine Iron from around the Blood River. However it shifted into an Adventurer's town after Spices have been found in the Blood Swamp.   Following the disappearance of monsters it shifted into a Spice-centric trading town, an identity it has kept to this day.

Points of interest

Founding Date
-4479 AoE
Alternative Name(s)
Spice Town
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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