Eldrite Material in Dalen-Toril | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

This is a dark gray metal, with little-to-no sheen.

Physical & Chemical Properties

This otherworldly metal is capable of ignoring armor completely.
When a blade of eldrite is swung at a target, it phases through artificial armor, striking the target at its core. Half of a target’s natural armor is also ignored (e.g. a bullete with thick skin is treated as having a 50% thinner hide).

When used in crafting armor, it allows the wearer to phase through materials at a rate of 1 foot per round. If concentrating completely on being transparent, all nonmagical attacks will phase completely through the wearer. For magical attacks, the wearer must save vs spell at a negative equal to the magical weapon’s plus or the spell’s level. Failure means they are affected normally. Full concentration means staying perfectly still.

Geology & Geography

It is unknown where exactly this metal comes from. It is speculated, however, that it originates from Abyss or Pandemonium.
Dark gray
Melting / Freezing Point
Unknown, above 4,000ºF

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