Dwende Species in Dalari | World Anvil
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The origins of these little creatures are unknown, however it is speculated that an evil wizard used some goblins as an experiment for genetic mutation, however this has not yet been verified as no one has claimed responsibility. These little creatures resemble goblins and are believed to be cousins to goblins due to the resemblance however unlike goblins which are generally peaceful these Dwende are aggressive, dangerous and in most cases avoided. They often cause trouble for small villages and unlucky travelers who might encounter a small camp of these creatures.  
They have evolved over time, however they have no set societal structure with the strongest amoungst them being able to do what they want within their small family groups. There is much incest breeding amoungst the various dwende family groups. They reproduce like crazy and have become a real scourge to the Forests south of Fort Redcliff so much so, that there are often expeditions to exterminate the little buggers.   They have basic intelligence and have learnt many basic skills over the years, like how to cook raw meats, however most prefer to just eat the meat raw to save time. They lack morals or common decency and will do whatever they feel like. They don't have a written language and each family group will have their own way of communicating, that is unintelligible to the other races.
Statblock: https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2837393-dwende
As far as anyone knows, these creatures are only found around Fort Redcliffand along the Tideless Isles and are not found anywhere else in Dalari.
Dwende Physiology is quite varied due to the fact that they are living genetic mutations. No two Dwendes are ever similar when you look hard enough. Generally speaking they can range from 2ft to 4ft tall and can be anywhere from 5kgs to 20kgs, With the biggest being the alphas of the family group. Frontal lobe is not developed fully leading them to be easily irritable and lack empathy in most cases. The blood of a Dwende is toxic and should not be ingested by anyone other that a dwende. It is known that even predators who kill and eat these Dwende either die, or they mutate themselves.   "Dwende are some of the most pesky and disgusting critters out, but by the gods these things are easy to punt, If you ever want to feel what it is like to punt a small urchin, I suggest you go out into the woods and find you a Dwende, It'll take some stress away for sure" - Random Drunk Adventurer


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