Fii-Mara Species in Dain and Zea | World Anvil
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Fii-Mara (Zean: Green Swallow) is a bird species native to Jaba-Dal (from Zean: Brethless Marsh), in the western Zea. It is the tribe animal of the Nata-Fii (Zean: People of the Swallow).  

General information


Fii Mara are 15-20 cm in length, with approximately 30-35 cm wingspan. Contrary to their name, they are grey, with black markinkgs on wings and neck.  

Distribution and habitat

Fii-Mara populate the inhospitable marsh extending through western Zea. Their colonies are located in safe spots among the clouds of toxic vapor, often built on small hills and especialy tall trees. Currently, the biggest known colony occupies outer walls of the Har-Fii city (Zean: Seat of the Swallow), the largest human settlement in their natural territory. It is unknown, why the species didn't migrate from the swamp, but quite possibly there is no biological need, as presently Fii-Mara could be considered the apex predator of the area.  




The Green Swallow sustains itself on insects and very rarely small rodents. They hunt during the day and fly along the local streams and rivers, briefly diving to catch their prey.  


Fii-Mara build their mating nests anew every mid-spring breeding season. A nest is usually built from mud and small pieces of wood and grass. They are sphere-shaped, and attached to a wall and other nests in the colony, forming clusters. Females asses the quality of the male by how high was he able to build the nest. Sometimes, fights on the top of the colonies can be observed, where the winner may take over the loser's spot and his half-built nest. The females will occupy the nests starting from the top, and the lone males on the bottom often move to find another colony before the breeding season ends. After three to five eggs hatch, the chicks are fed by their parents for several weeks, and then the families separate and move to primary nests. The primary nests resemble half-open ledges, with several birds often cooperating to build one until the next reproductive cycle arrives.  

Relations with humans

Fii-Mara were indispensable in human exploration of the Jaba-Dal. The first safehouses were built next to the colonies and allowed for systematic movement of people and resources, until the settlers started to plug and build over the gashes, from which the toxic vapor spilled. The swallows were named after Kasmev the Green, one of the pioneers of the exploration efforts. Nowadays, the birds learned to live in proximity of Nata-Fii tribe. Hunting or eating the birds is seen as a disreputable act. Only the Chimneysweeps have no kind words for the Fii-Mara, as removal of the empty nests take a significant portion of their time while they inspect the walls of the capital for damage.


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