Unruly Spider
These spiders have a large history with the mages of old times.
The studied magic scholars have records of this spiders and all the benefits as material components for spells, potions, and unguents; cause this species are resistant to all types of natural and magical restraining, immobilization and immune to changes his form, including tuned to stone therefore this species is the natural predator for basilic, medusas, paralyzing bats, and other creatures with similar defensive features.
The lizard folk (Saurians ), that used to live in forest, consider this species as a unstoppable force, a remainder to resist all obstacles and keep moving. When they lost their home to other races they settle in swamps, rivers, deserts, and other habitats the "more advanced" races don't want. They have unruly spider symbols, tattoos and have tales of these spiders to remember this.
Basic Information
- 6 strong thick legs about 1.5 m long
- 2 stylized legs up to the front slightly larger with a pointy end used to penetrate sturdy prey.
- Average body height 2m and wide 1m
- Average weight 50 Kg
- Body covered with black ebony bright downs.
- A diamond shaped head with two strong fangs and eight eyes disposed in two rows of four.
- The back has a gland to make silk for spiderweb.
Ecology and Habitats
They have 2 different habitats:
Forest: Webbing across trees and attacking from above.
Caverns: Where they make a series of web traps.
Forest: Webbing across trees and attacking from above.
Caverns: Where they make a series of web traps.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Forest: Where they hunt basilisk and paralyzing bats, primary
Caverns: Where they prey on non-intelligent medusas, cockatrices, large insects.
Caverns: Where they prey on non-intelligent medusas, cockatrices, large insects.
Their primary predator was elfs and men that studied magic, cause the benefits his parts are as material components.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Low light vision: Capable to see better at night.
Resistances: All kinds of movement restrain
Immunity: Shape change
Web sense: Can sense the vibrations of preys caught in their web
Resistances: All kinds of movement restrain
Immunity: Shape change
Web sense: Can sense the vibrations of preys caught in their web
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Got it, avoid the deadly spiders. Good to know.
Wise! Good day!