Session-1: Seeds of Destruction Report 2023-01-14 Report in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session-1: Seeds of Destruction Report 2023-01-14

General Summary

So You Meet At A Dock...
On a bright, Sunny day in Waterdeep, City of Splendors, the Dock Ward is bustling with activity. There is a large, diverse group of activity at the Docks, with people coming and going, merchants selling their wares, and Ship Hands moving good on and off of boats for Transit.

It is here that we meet our players, all with their own stories of their past, and their desires for their futures:
Trouble At The Docks
After ensuring that Ellie Petalcreek had her instructions for overseeing the Lumber be properly loaded onto her ship, the Moondancer, Captain Elaina Sartell headed back to the ship to check with Otto Antonius on the status of weapon repairs.

On her way back towards the dock, she was intercepted by a Local Gang leader, Traevus who attempted to take over control of The Moondancer.

Those of the Moondancer's crew were quick to come to her aid, but additional help was provided by good-natured (or at least opportunistic) individuals in the area.

Immediately after the altercation began, Mazrim jumped liked a cat out of his hiding place in a decrepit warehouse.... The second he hit the ground the Earth shook and chaos errupted over the whole city.
In addition to the Crystals and Crystal Vines, Astral Blights also began to appear and infect the area.

The unlikely strangers dispensed with Traevus and his gang, but not before there was some fancy flying work from Ellie Petalcreek, some high flying acrobats (albeit with a disappointing lack of knowledge of Spelljamming Ballistae) from Dabuun Digas. They largely managed to avoid the Astral Blights, but Mazrim did tussle a bit with them, which wasn't pretty.

During the Altercation, Captain Elaina Sartell tried to get as many people she could on her ship. She was impressed with the quick reflexes of both Mazrim and Prisoner 133768-01.

As the Moondancer clears the Waterdeep Harbor, without warning, an amazing thing happens...
Flapjack! Take this bitch up!
- Captain Sartell

The guests aboard the Moondancer were obviously spooked as they had never seen something like this before. Even Dabuun Digas, a 10 foot Goliath of a Warrior... pooped his pants (into Travus' bandana LULZ) out of the sheer shock of it all! Luckily, the Captain was cool as a cucumber:
I shit my pants the first time I went into Wildspace. You aren't the first, and you sure as hell won't be the last. Now clean yourself up!
- Captain Sartell to Dabuun Digas
Noticing the concern and fear in the crowd, Ellie Petalcreek pulled out her Zulkoon, and began to try and turn the emotional event into positive one.
It may have only been briefly, but Ellie's music brought calm and comfort to a crowd of very scared and anxious people.

Prisoner 133768-01 took this opportunity to ask Captain Sartell if she needed a Ship's Mage, and she was in luck. The Captain commented on her stellar performance at the Docks and said it would be helpful to have a magic user as part of her crew.

Mo' Jammin', Mo' Problems
Once the party had a chance to let the adrenaline die down and the sweet moaning of Ellie's Zulkoon lifted the spirits of the crew... a grim reality set in. As the Moondancer cleared Toril's air pocket and they were officially in Wildspace, the party could see that what happened at their harbor was just a small, small piece of the picture.
Crystal Vines had sprouted all over Toril, and they were clearly growing right before everyone's eyes. Whatever or Whoever has done this, must be stopped.

Although quite shy as well as not sure what to do, Mazrim, for the first time in his life, felt a sense of duty and honor towards his home. He looked up, and noticed that the Crow's Nest of the Moondancer was empty. Upon noticing this perch, he pulled the Mark of the Zhentarim that he got off of the Thug in Waterdeep's body and gave it to Otto. Mazrim knows exactly what that mark means... he's putting this whole crew in danger by being here... but he wanted to make sure his Captain knows what could be coming.

With permission from the Captain, he climbed the mast and peered back at his homeworld and pondered the evil that could do such a thing.
As soon as Captain Elaina Sartell saw the horror of what was happening to Toril, she immediately began barking orders:
Crew, Get the rigging ready and prepare to Jam! Otto Antonius, put a crew working on repairing these weapons; I want them up ASAP! And the rest of you, make yourself useful! Flapjack The Flumph, take us to the The Rock of Bral!
- Captain Sartell

Otto Antonius was happy to be useful and working on the ship, but he couldn't help but wonder if going back to his hometown was going to be a good idea or not...

Not long after the ship turned to head towards Tears of Selûne, the Asteroid belt where the The Rock of Bral is located, a clear, but fractured voice called from the Crow's Nest:
Captain... You are going to want to look at this!
- Mazrim, upon seeing his first Alien vessel
Astral Elves... and they don't look friendly. Best ready yourselves for a fight!
- Captain Sartell

The party began to prepare for ship to ship combat, including Otto Antonius working on the badly damaged Mangonel, and assigning his crew to work on the damaged Ballistae. As a group, the party managed to turn the working ballistae towards the incoming ship while Mazrim readied his Long Bow.

The ship was almost into range...

And we will find out what happens next time!!

Rewards Granted

Dabuun Digas

Ellie Petalcreek
  • The joy of RPG


Otto Antonius
  • The joy of RPG

Prisoner 133768-01
  • The joy of RPG


  • We said it would take approx. 2 days to fix the broken Ballistae
  • We said that the shipment of rope that the Moondancer needed to fix the Mangonel did not happen, so it will be difficult to repair.
  • We need to review the rules/distances for Ship to Ship Combat so we can have the right number of rounds.
Winter Spelljammer
Report Date
14 Jan 2023
Secondary Location
This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.

This article has no secrets.