Lycantrophes Species in Cytan Cluster | World Anvil


        Lycantrophy (spelled thus), is not precisely a species, but a kind of magical condition transmitted among Cytan beings - primarily humans, though intermittent reports of others being infected have occurred.

Basic Information


Most of the time, Lycantrophes are for all intents and purposes normal members of their race, aside from supernaturally quick healing. Most Lycantrophes are human-based, but the affliction can affect other Cytan races.   However, they also possess the ability to drastically transform their bodies, adopting features of a 'breed' animal, including changes to fur/skin, overall facial shape, development of claws, and digitigrade posture where applicable. Since there are many different types of Lycantrophe, all are different in their exact morphology. Certain lycantrophes are also capable of further transformation, forgoing remaining Cytan characteristics and adopting a close facsimile of the animal. This 'perfect' form is, by nature, close to indistinguishable from the normal breed animal - aside from behavior and possible anomalies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lycantrophes reproduce in the 'normal' way, producing offspring that are also lycantrophes. Their offspring are more likely than not to be of the same subtype, but this is not guaranteed. Children of Alphas are also more likely to be Alphas.   However, the condition can also be transmitted from one mature individual to another via various means. It is not a disease, as it has no actual pathologenic vector, and is not exactly a curse, as it is not inscribed on the spirit structure in quite the same way. Of the means of transmission, perhaps the most common is via trauma - an unifected person maimed by a lycantrophe may become a lycantrophe themselves. Biting is the most reliable form of transmission, but other forms of injury can also transmit the infliction. Transfusion of fresh blood from a lycantrophe may also result in infection, as can various forms of intercourse. Though, as mentioned, there is no recognizable vector, transmission is generally most similar to that of a blood-born illness.   Further examination of Lycantrophy as a transmissible phenomenon can be found here. Lycantrophy

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth of Lycantrophes is identical to that of the base species, with one notable caveat - children below roughly the age of puberty do not undergo transformation, though they may experience 'minor' cosmetic alterations and increased aggression particularly as they age. Interestingly, infected children are generally ignored by transformed Lycantrophes.

Ecology and Habitats

Lycantrophes are found everywhere their base species are - which is everywhere. However, there do seem to be strong trends in which subtypes appear where, as well as in what those subtypes actually prefer. Obviously, aquatic alternates find it difficult to live inland, and exothermic alternates prefer warmer climes (even if they aren't actually entirely exothermic). Interestingly this seems to be terragenic as much as a matter of preference, with increasingly more of the 'appropriate' type being born, even to those of other types.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Compared to their base species, Lycantrophes need more food, and generally exhibit distinctly carnivorous tendencies. When in Intermediate form in particular, they can and often will consume disproportionately large meals, may be related to increased muscle mass. Lycantrophes (especially in beast form) also exhibit a less sensitive digestion than most Cytan races, and can safely eat food raw.

Biological Cycle

Infamously, Lycantrophes' transformations are induced by astrological cycles - most commonly the phases of the moon(s), which as large, nearby bodies, tend to have a disproportionate influence. Different planetary circumstances cause this phenomenon to manifest differently, but for the most part, a single period of transformation occurs per major lunar cycle. The time of transformation is consistent within a given breed from cycle to cycle and individual to individual - most famously, werewolves' transformation coinciding with the full moon on both Fenris and Earth, but different breeds may transform at a different time within the cycle. Duration of transformation is proportional to the overall length of the cycle, it does not simply occur all at once. Instead, it occurs in steps, intensifying as the cycle approaches its apex. Initially, the transformation is intermittent, typically only occurring in the deep hours of the night, while at the apex, it occupies the entire day. Generally the intermittent period lasts approximately 15% of the cycle, and the period of totality 5%.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

'Use' of sapient species is generally looked down upon. That doesn't stop everyone.   Leaving aside the various totemic trophies seen among the cultures of Fenris, certain individuals have attempted to use Lycantrophic body parts for various purposes, but they are rare enough on most worlds few specific trends can be identified. The most common of the attempted uses is the belief that wearing the pelts or drinking blood/consuming flesh of Lycantrophes will confer their regenerative ability. In the former case, this is false (though sympathetic magic can be exploited), in the latter case, this is only true in the event the consumer becomes infected themselves. Others have suggested exploitation of lycantrophes as an effectively infinite source of organic material. A few have even been killed attempting it.

Facial characteristics

In their normal form, Lycantrophes look like normal members of their race, and in Animal form, they look like normal animals (in intermediate form, their facial features *mostly* look like that of the animal, but with some Cytan features - mostly in overall positioning, and with more exotic breeds. However, there are a handful of anomalies that can potentially (but not reliably) be used to identify lycantrophes. First, the reflective membranes of their eyes are different, showing a stronger, more yellowish tone than the typical red. Their eyes also respond more strongly to changes in light. Third, their teeth tend to be larger, whiter, and more pointed - this isn't so much because lycantrophes naturally have sharp teeth, but because their enamel regenerates, preventing normal wear and tear from showing its effect.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Omnipresent (Sapient)

Average Intelligence

Lycantrophes are typically thought of as savage, even near-mindless. This is untrue, they can be as intelligent as anyone else, and even retain this intelligence in their animalistic form. However, there is a caveat. When in alternate form, self-control, memory formation, and, to an extent, self-awareness is decreased, while impulsiveness, aggression, and 'instinct' are amplified. This effect is even more pronounced in pure animal form (though aggressiveness is somewhat reduced). The effect has been compared to sleepwalking, reacting automatically to circumstances, with only a dim conscious awareness they are happening to oneself. This impaired state can be overcome with discipline and practice. Unfortunately discipline and practice takes time, and the altered state can be very dangerous to those nearby.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lycantrophes, even in their 'normal', inactive form, have somewhat more acute senses than their base species - but generally not to the extent of the base animal. In their beast form, this effect is amplified - if the species in question has any sense that is significantly superior to that of the normal form, it will be greatly enhanced, though generally not quite to the full extent of the animal. (Werewolves, for instance, have around a 50x greater sense of smell than typical humans) If the animal has any 'weaker' senses (such as, for instance, the many animals that are dichromatic rather than typical trichromatic cytan races) however, they will not be diminished.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Most Lycantrophe packs exhibit little in the way of notable gender roles. Males and females are both expected to contribute and behave in roughly the same way. There are, of course, exceptions, but these are generally driven by local culture/circumstances.


Though their exact history is unknown, Lycantrophes are generally understood to have originated on the world now known as Fenris. According to legend, the planet was once host to an advanced civilization, until enigmatic Great Beasts suddenly appeared. These Great Beasts transformed all that looked upon them into mindless, animalistic minions, and though they were destroyed, those affected by their aura were not fully cured, reverting to their bestial state periodically. Worse, those bitten by them would be afflicted themselves - in time, the infected spread, and civilization on Fenris utterly collapsed. Now, Lycantrophy is omnipresent on that planet, and occasionally found on other worlds - though without the assault of the Great Beasts, it has not approached such epidemic levels.
USPEOIU Classification: SUBVERSIVE - Direct Threat: Significant, General Threat: Severe   Borderguard Classification: Secondary Hazard, Minor Threat; Third Class   Abolisher Classification: Suspect. Threat Level Blue.   Hierarchy Classification: Monstrum Pestilens, Demented Savage


  • Contagious condition
  • Extreme regenerative ability
  • Gross Full-body transformation
  • Intelligent in beast form
  • Misc. Natural Weapons
  • Possible extreme size/strength
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Numerous sub-categories based on animal type. Also of some note are the so-called 'Alphas', whose alternate form is approximately 50% larger than normal.
Approximately three times that of the base species, a perk of their regenerative abilities.
Average Height
The size of animal forms are adjusted to be closer to the norm of the base species, though there can still be a great deal of variance. Additionally, those of the 'alpha' strain tend to be 50% larger (per single dimension)   Typical range runs from 1m to 4m
Average Weight
As above. Typical range runs from 30 kilograms to 5000 kilograms.
Average Physique
Lycantrophes tend to be physically fit and generally muscular, even when relatively slim overall. Perhaps as a consequence of frequent transformations or an overall high level of activity, their bodies produce little noticeable fat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A fascinating phenomenon regarding lycantrophes is that their fur/scales/feathers/etc in alternate form tends to be approximately the same color as their hair in human form, even if that color is not normally found in that animal. Particularly spectacular colors will, however, be subdued, and lycantrophes rarely exhibit chromotrichic hair colors. Another interesting phenomenon is that tattoos and similar markings will be retained in animal form, and even shift to a more even position.

Typical Deliberate Transformation Time (Record): 10 seconds (3.2 seconds)
Time for total restoration from decapitation injury: 48 seconds
Average rounds (conventional) expended per kill, direct fire: 300 (intermediate caliber)
Largest mass disparity, Cytan/Beast form: 120x
  Typical Cycle Durations: Earth: 27.3 days (655 hr PoT 1+1/2 days, PoI 2 days before and after. (~5 total instances)
Fenris: 43 days (860 hr PoT 2 days surrounding apex, PoI 3 days before and after (~7 total instances)
Gul: 18 days (468 hr PoT 1 day, PoI 1 day before and after. (~3 total instances)
Dawnrealm: 287 days (6888 hours PoT 14 days!, PoI 20 days before and after (~40+ total instances)
Lycantrophes have two peculiar abilities that distinguish them from normal individuals of their race. First is their transformation ability, discussed in detail above, but the second is their incredible regenerative capacity. Almost any injury they suffer will 'heal' at a phenomenally accelerated rate - this power is also capable of restoring severed limbs or even more extreme injuries, even injuries that by all rights should kill them. This ability applies regardless of current magical atmosphere or form - and is often the first sign of infection. It is possible to kill a lycantrophe through brute force, but requires overwhelming power sufficient to disrupt their body so grossly that cell death outpaces the rate of regeneration, generally requiring the destruction or disjunction of 60% of body mass. Silver's properties as a magical toxin counteract this magical energy, and injuries inflicted with silver (or silver-lined) weapons heal at a much more normal rate, making it practical to subdue or kill lycantrophes using silver. It does not have an additional toxic effects, however - silver is roughly as dangerous to a lycantrophe as steel is to a human.   Curiously, these powers are not a magical effect, as they function normally in anti-magic zones and are not detected normally, and they obviously cannot be biological (casually disregarding conservation of mass, for instance). Indeed, they seem to be a strange kind of self-generated miracle, where an alternate reality briefly impinges on the physic plane. This is almost exactly how Abominations work, and Lycantrophic powers exhibit a planar frequency similar to that of the Primordials. Coupled with the invasion of the legendary Great Beasts, Lycantrophes are generally considered to be technically Abominations - but if so, one of the most benign kind, possessing, apparently, no lingering reality-warping effects or collective dedication to the interests of the Primordial.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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