The Necessary Introduction in Cypher | World Anvil

The Necessary Introduction

Welcome to the Cypher System!

A Roleplaying System aiming to be easy to use with lots of flexibility.

Where to start? At the beginning of time or just where it matters? Let us go with the latter. If you are reading this you probably is looking into playing with the Cypher System as your TTRPG-system. The System itself favours Narrative Storytelling where both player(s) and GM alike have a lot to say in where the story is heading. This is handled with Experience Points which is a resources that flows between GM and players but I wont go further here.   This system also lets the players roll for everything relating to them. This is an empowering feeling, or so I have heard, since you can always try harder by burning resources. For Example
When you are engaged in a fight you are the one to see if you hit, but the enemy dose not roll to see if they hit, instead you roll to see if you can resist the attack, dodging it, absorbing it or fend of its effects.


The Necessary Disclaimer

I dont own the rights to distribute The Cypher System and its material, but this is meant to enable players of that system with an easier way to look up things and understand how the game works, this goes for me to. This is meant as a help, since the Cypher System lacks the user friendly tools for beginners that the likes of DnD have.  

Your First Steps

In Player Handbook you as a player should be able to find everything you need to make your character and understand the things that makes them tick. (You dont need to know all but I hope that it will come to guide the experience and make it smoother to learn things) some good things to start with is the Stats that the system uses as well as take a look at what a Type, Descriptor and Focus is. All under Creating Your Character.  
Other Rules of the Game
If you instead want to learn a bit more about the genereal rules that makes upp play you can find them under Rules and Such these rules often relate to concepts present in Character creation but shall be referenced in a way so that you can look into it at your own leisure.

The Core of Cypher

Is the Cyphers oddly enough. This is a powerful tool/weapon/spell or other thing that often have a limited amount of uses. The thought is to enable players to have cool sh*t but step away from the problem of having the game becoming easy because you got something "to good". Usage of Cyphers is incentivized since the GM is in turn incentivized to give them out and you can only carry so many. It can be seen as that special thing that saves you but in turn breaks making it so that you can't rely on it in the future.  

The Dice

The Cypher System is primarily a system that uses d20s but an ordinary 6 sided dice (also called d6) is also quite necessary other dice are so seldom used that they can instead be simulated. But what rolls play the Dice? Well, they are the thing that introduces randomness, the chance of failure or the chance of succes when you for example are atempting a Challenge


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