The Aethermirror Item in Cyorion | World Anvil

The Aethermirror

The Aethermirror was a powerful artifact wielded by Buroz the Corruptor during The War of the Faceless. It is believed that Buroz was a powerful sorcerer or warlock, but his power alone could not have enslaved the minds of the legions he commanded. Some believe that the power of a Prime Aspect was sacrificed to corrupt the power of the Aethermirror and pervert the power to evil ends. Through this artifact, Buroz was able to channel his dark magic and affect any he chose.   Whatever the legends of the power of the Aethermirror, one thing is known for sure: when heroes defeated Buroz, they did so by destroying the Aethermirror. The cataclysmic power that erupted from the explosion cracked the very sky above Cyorion. The shards of the mirror exploded toward the sky and spread over all of Cyorion.


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