Dorrin Argenthrixus Character in Cyorion | World Anvil

Dorrin Argenthrixus

Dorrin Argenthrixus

Dorrin Argenthrixus is a Barbarian with the Path of Wild Magic subclass

Dorrin is a fierce warrior, spurred on by a mysterious past he prefers not to talk about. His inner rage boils over in the heat of battle, causing fear in his foes. However, when it comes to his allies, he is a steadfast and loyal friend.

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Chaotic Good
17 in Dragonborn years (roughly 26 in standard human years)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale orange with brass scales

New Friends!

I have to admit, when I arrived in the town of Midatona I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I have never been this far from home before and I would be lying if I said I was totally confident about my journey. As I wandered around the town I stumbled onto some sort of recruiter for a local militia organization. Something about Hammers... I do not really get it, but they lured me in with promise of payment and of some free food. It is hard to say no to that. I was joined in my recruitment by a rather surly looking half-orc who did not offer a name or an introduction. But, even poor company is still company. So, he and I made our way to the barracks to grab a bunk for the night. Not long after, another fellow came in. This one was small. Thin. I decided it would be amusing to give the little man a scare. So, putting on my most intimidating gruff voice, I threatened him with my sword (the one the nice merchant sailor had given me as payment), but seeing the man reacting to me with such fear... it made me rethink my approach. So I quickly laughed it off as a joke and met both his and the half-orc's aquaintence. The half-elf man, named Soran, was there on some kind of scientific journey... boring to me, but good for him! And our nearly mute half-orc companion, named Tarak, seemed to be best with keeping to himself.   We grabbed a very light dinner in the militia mess hall, before turning in for a night's rest. 5am the next morning saw us setting out on our mission. We had to escort some much needed supplies to a nearby settlement, a place called Fort Rawing. The journey itself was mostly uneventful, though I did get to see a very moving statue that reminded me of why I am here doing what I do. I must never lose sight of that.   Upon our safe arrival at Fort Rawing, we were basically hailed as heroes in the town's canteen. The staff treated us to piles and piles of delicious home cooked meats and stews and breads and various other savory delectable treats. But YBENA MAT', this small dwarf man had this homebrewed stout that was potent enough to knock even a man of my stature for a loop. After being escorted out by my new friend Tarak, we were told of a secret mission we would be undertaking that very evening. So, with a mere 4 hours to sober up (read: sleep it off), we assembled at midnight and rode off. The journey was not too bad, but definitely not without it's dangers. We barely managed to avoid a scuffle with some brigands, only to have to deal with a pack of little dinosaurs and a couple of hired assassins. Luckily, our strength prevailed and after I personally cut one of the raptors in half, and used my fire breath to immolate one of the assassins, everything was fine. We made it safely back to Midatona and the Hammer people were kind enough to pay us a whole 45 gold each! I had never seen such wealth! I quickly paid off a loan to Tarak (long story short, he paid for some wood for me), and we were treated to a nice room at a local inn. I think tonight we shall enjoy more drinks and then who knows that tomorrow will be bringing for us.  

Kutalla, beautiful but deadly.

This has been an incredibly eventful few weeks. Who knew I would go from being a stranger in a strange land with no one to rely on, to suddenly having many people I could call "friend"? After we arrived at Fort Rawing, we tried to warn a fellow dragonborn of an impending attempt on his life by the Fangs of Qirmi, a group of vicious assassins whose sole purpose is to hunt down escaped slaves from Udelund. Try as we might, we could not convince him to run or seek asylum from the incoming attack. The next morning, the Fort guards found his body. I am deeply saddened at the loss of yet another life by the Fangs, and I vow to one day ensure that their group will be dissolved.   We left town shortly after, but not before signing up as an official mercenary adventurers group. We spent all night working on a name and given our penchant for magic and stealth, we chose "The Midnight Parliament". I'm not sure why we're owls, but the group is happy and that is all that truly matters. We made our way out to some ruins where we had assumed Maximille's associate was, only to find a bloodbath. Several body guards disemboweled, their heads placed on spikes. Clearly the work of vicious goblins. We turned to leave when we were confronted by a very odd sight. An elf clad in leather and furs who spoke very broken common.   From there we were led to a most wondrous sight! It was a treetop city! It was well hidden under the lush jungle canopy, and I have never seen anything like it. This was the home of the Aumafreya, a group of reclusive elves who lived here, deep in the Kutalla jungle. The village leader, a woman named Keokie, tasked us with clearing out vile goblins from one of the nearby sacred sites. In exchange for helping us locate Maximille's lost friend. When we arrived at the temple, we managed to get the jump on a small group of goblins we caught sleeping. And that was when it happened again... I felt myself give in to the rage and as I did so, I suddenly found myself across the room from where I had been standing. These magical side effects of my rage are getting stranger with each instance...   We managed to slay the hideous goblin necromancer and cleanse the temple of it's dark influence. We returned to Keokie and she granted us a small regimen of archers to act as back up as we went to the camp of the Ivory Phantoms, to track down our quarry. Thanks to some quick thinking from Maximille and Digin, they acted as emissaries from some fancy big city magic study assembly. They easily fooled the Ivory Phantom's leader and were about to make their getaway, when suddenly the camp was set upon by (you will never believe this next part) the UNDEAD! It was the craziest thing! Living skeletons and walking corpses were closing in, I acted quickly to rush in and try to clear an escape route for Maximille and Digin. Luckily, the Ivory Phantom guarding the camp entrance was confused in the panic and got out of my way. Though once my friends had made it out, he quickly went to attack me. As Tarak and I turned to leave, that is when we saw him... the pale, gaunt figure astride a white horse. He demanded we give him the magic book Max's associate was carrying, but we refused and ran for our lives. Yarin, the sturdy woman who had been our traveling companion since the first night we left her camp outside of Midatona, vowed to stay and avenge the loss of her husband and friends. I fear her quest for vengeance may have cost her her life in the end. I pray she found peace.   Whoever this figure is, he hunts the book for some unknown master. I still hear the words, "That book belongs to Imana" in my nightmares. The surviving Aumafreya archers led us safely back to the temple where the book originated from, which was the same temple where we had fought the goblins. Keokie came to us a short time later to explain the situation. This book, as well another, are tied to the leylines of magic that run throughout the land. Once those books are transcribed, instantaneous travel along those leylines may be possible. Obviously that kind of power should not be wielded by anyone with evil in their heart... which is what I fear this "Imana" would do.   Keokie also informed us that the next location we need to investigate appears to be moving around the jungle constantly. And we also may have to speak with Kutalla herself... a dragon aspect. I can assure you, I am not exactly looking forward to that conversation.

The past 72 hours

Oh dear, I do not even know where to begin with this entry. After a night with my new friends, Soran and Tarak in Midatona, we got a decent night's rest and had planned to head out after breakfast. That breakfast was interrupted twice. Once by a very peculiar little bunny girl named Penelope, and her rather rude metal friend Digin. And then AGAIN by a massive explosion and a tielfing (her name is Maximille but I just call her Max) who looked to be in danger. Soran, Tarak, and myself (along with the two new people) rushed to tiefling girl's aid and found out that assassins had killed her friend. The Hammers (the mercenary group who hired us to run the supply train to Fort Rawing), then hired the 6 of us to track down the assassins. We happened up a camp of bandits north of Midatona but thanks to our friends, we learned they were not the assassins.   As we made plans to set out, the assassins struck, killing all the men of the camp and escaping off into the night. The matron of the camp agreed to work with us in an effort to hunt down these assassins and exact her revenge. But... Gods save me... that is not all. I found a note, something like a bounty, from the mysterious Fangs of Qirmi. They are a group who send family members of escaped Dragonborn slaves to retrieve them... dead or alive, but mostly only dead. This person on the bounty was clearly in danger and against my better judgement, I agreed to go and try to save this person from harm.   We spent a few days walking the road back north to Fort Rawing and when we arrived, the target of this bounty was alive and well. But he confirmed my worst fears. The Fangs will not stop until I am found... and that also means I have caused great suffering for one of, if not all, my siblings. Dorval... Rinzeth... Sirath... I am sorry. I had planned on coming back for you, but now I know it may be too late.   I won't be deterred from my true goal, however. When I see Lord Valitarthex again... and trust me, I WILL. I am going to cut out his heart and shove it down his throat until he chokes on it in an effort to make him feel even a FRACTION of the pain he has caused us all. On this, you have my undying pledge.

The Beginning of the Journey

I come from Udelund, as I mentioned previously. I have three younger siblings whom I had to leave behind as I embarked on this journey and I miss them all very much. My younger brothers Rinzeth and Dorval are as polar opposites as siblings can be. Dorval is the serious, studious type, always telling me to "work smarter, not harder" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Rinzeth is a goof, never taking things seriously. This, of course, always finds him getting into trouble. Sometimes more trouble than is worth sticking my neck out for him, but I do so anyway because he is my little brother. Lastly, but most importantly, my little sister Sirath. She is ever the optimist. Too good and pure to be beaten down by the world. Her light is brightest of all members of my family and I promised to bring her back many tales of my adventures.   I left Udelund some time ago, working aboard a merchant trade ship under a man named Mechad. He's the boastful type (like many humans I have encountered) but he is a good man. He provided me passage to the southern continent and in exchange I acted as his personal security. It was a hard few weeks, but it was a welcome change of scenery. Mechad imparted on me many of his so called "tricks of the trade" and though I am no merchant myself, I know his words will have their place and time in my journey.   After disembarking Mechad's boat I found myself in a strange new land with nothing but opportunity in front of me. That is why I have chosen to write this journal of my accounts. Perhaps some day I will read them to my siblings once again. Or perhaps you're some brigand who has murdered me and absconded with my belongings, haha! Either way, this journal will be a richly written living history of the tale of Dorrin Argenthrixus.

Humble beginings.

Where to start? My name is Dorrin Argenthrixus. I was born in Udelund and that's all you need to know. Some time ago I discovered my ability to tap into a near boundless rage, and as such, I've been using that anger to carve a fairly bloody path as a wandering warrior. That's been my life for a while now, but I have dreams and aspirations just like anyone else, and soon.... soon I will see these dreams come to fruition.


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