The Shadowfell in Cynos | World Anvil
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The Shadowfell

Cynos Absent Life

The Shadowfell is a Quasi-Material Plane of Existence that exists parallel to Cynos. It came into being in the same moment as did the planet, and neither Ashra nor Boda holds any dominion over it. Both the Shadowfell and its counterpart the Feywild are amalgams of the Material Cynos and the Negative and Positive Energy Planes, respectively.

The Absence of Life

As a byproduct of the Negative Energy Plane, the Shadowfell exists as a presentation of Cynos mixed with Death in its maximal form. Despite what some may mistakenly interpret "maximal Death" to mean, the result is not a hellish inferno the likes of Avernus. The suffering, anguish, grief, and loss often associated with Death are superfluous to its actual meaning, which is simply the utter absence of Life. As such, the Shadowfell is a barren, monochromatic landscape that mirrors the geography of Cynos but lacks any form of vegetation, wildlife or civilization.

Geography and Effects

The Shadowfell exists parallel to the Material Plane. Geographical locations such as mountains, valleys and lakes present on Cynos are also present in the Shadowfell, but devoid of any life; would-be plains are dry and barren and lakes are instead empty craters. Neither Ashra's sunlight nor Boda's moonlight can reach into the Shadowfell, causing the entire Plane to be utterly dark unless a visitor brings a source of light with them. Even then, sources of light brought over from the Material Plane are subdued and diminished in the Shadowfell, reducing their radius and brightness. This is even true for sources of magical light, since the Shadowfell has no direct connection to the gift of arcane energy that Boda gave to Cynos.   When changes occur on Cynos, such as the construction or collapse of cities, the Shadowfell will update as well, but still through the grey, lifeless filter that shrouds the whole Plane. A grand new chapel built in Ashra's honour might appear in the Shadowfell as an eerie, vacant mausoleum or as a crumbling ruin, and a settlement that has been burned down by raiders on Cynos might simply vanish from the Shadowfell altogether.


As one would expect, no lifeforms are born or live natively in the Shadowfell. However, the Plane's sullen attributes have been known to attract certain darkness-dwelling beings and inspire them to take up residence there, such as vampires. Certain races or communities that sought out the Shadowfell have been known to be transformed by the Plane, becoming a new form of being "native" to the Shadowfell. The Shadar-kai, or shadow fey, are one such example. Other arrivals to the Shadowfell are less intentional, such as ghosts that lose their way from the Ethereal Plane and up there inadvertently, becoming shadows. Lastly, and most prominently, are the shades: a species descended from ancient humans who were accidentally infused with the Shadowfell while attempting interplanar travel, becoming bound to the Plane.
The Shadar-kai, denizens of the Shadowfell.
The Syzygy Universe
A map of the known Universe according to the Syzygy Cosmology. It depicts the the Astral Sea, the Planes of Existence within, and its two deities, Ashra and Boda.
The Universe according to the The Syzygy Cosmology.

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