Runic Weapon Runes in Cycles of Infinity | World Anvil

Runic Weapon Runes

When creating your runic weapon, you can't choose the same rune more than once when you get the enchanting rune feature, unless that rune specifically states otherwise. Anything you inscribe a rune on becomes a Rare magic item when you add the first rune, Very Rare with the second one, and Legendary with the third one.   Runes tagged with Bonus are the only rune that can be chosen for the bonus runes that the book receives.  
  Arrow Rune - Archery
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. It can automatically generate its own ammunition when shooting as long as you don't want to use your ammunition. If you choose to let the weapon generate its own ammunition, it loads itself if it has the loading property.   Barrier Rune - Body, Book, Clothing, or Shield
As an action, you can cause this rune to expand outward into an interlacing barrier that provides you three-quarters cover. While this barrier is up, if your movement speed is higher than 5, it drops to 5. You can drop the barrier as a bonus action.   Chaining Rune - Body or Martial
You gain +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. When you strike an opponent, a tendril of energy will connect to that opponent, granting a +1 bonus to your next attack roll against them. Each successive attack adds an additional +1 to your attack bonus, to a maximum of your proficiency modifier. The opponent can spend an action to rip off all the chains that have accumulated, performing a Strength check against your spellcasting DC. If you target another creature, the chains dissolve from the previous target.   Activated: Several tendrils of energy flow out from the weapon. When you strike a creature, all possible chains that can tether to that creature are applied, granting you an immediate bonus to your future attack rolls equal to your proficiency modifier. You can also maintain chains on one additional target, losing the chains on the oldest target if a third target is struck. In addition, when you successfully hit an enemy with this weapon, you may use a bonus action to cause the chains to restrict on the enemy. The target makes a Strength Save against your spellcasting DC or be considered restrained until the end of your next turn. Regardless of if they save, you retain the bonus to attack rolls. Once a creature is restrained by this ability, it cannot be restrained by it again for a full day.   Corrosion Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Acid Damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, it deals an extra 1d4 Acid damage for every strike and imparts a -1 penalty on the targets armor if it is inorganic.   Decay Rune - Archery, Martial, Body, or Book
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Necrotic Damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type. When you activate this rune, it deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage and any creature hit can't regain hit points until the end of their next turn.   Defense Rune - Archery, Armor, Body, Book, Clothing, Martial, or Shield - Bonus
You gain a +1 bonus to your AC when holding this weapon or wearing this clothing.   When you activate this rune, you gain an additional +1 to your AC.   Drain Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. When you deal a critical hit to an enemy, you regain a number of hit points equal to your proficiency modifier. When you activate this rune, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded down, on normal hits, and gain double your proficiency modifier on critical hits.   Dragon's Breath - Body, Book, or Shield
You may activate this rune to have it the engraved object release a cone of energy that extends 15 feet out. The damage for this is 2d6, increasing to 3d6 at at Runseeker level 6, 4d6 at 11th, and 5d6 at 16th. This energy type is fire unless the object has a rune capable of dealing or absorbing a different energy type.   Empower - All - Bonus
Your weapon has an additional connection to the energies of the universe. If you have multiple runes that add a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage, or AC on this item, you may stack all of them, to a maximum of +2. You may activate this rune to remove the maximum limit on your weapon and increase the damage die by one step if it is a weapon.   Extra Spell - All - Bonus
Instead of inscribing a rune onto your weapon that bolsters it's abilities, you instead inscribe a new spell onto your weapon that you have uncovered through experimentation. The spell you inscribe must come from the runeseekers spell list and can be of a level up to your current spell level.   Fear Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Psychic Damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to return to normal damage or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, this weapon deals an extra 1d4 psychic damage. Whenever you hit a target , they must make a Wisdom savings throw against your spellcasting DC or become frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn.   Ferocity Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. You score critical hits on 19's as well as 20's.   When you activate this rune, you score critical hits on 18-20 instead.   Flame Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Fire damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage. Whenever you strike a target, they must make a Dexterity savings throw against your spellcasting DC or catch on fire for 1d4 turns.   Flight Rune - Armor, Body, or Clothing
When you activate this rune, you cause two ethereal wings to sprout from your back. These wings grant you a slow flying speed equal to half your walking speed, rounded up to an interval of 5.   Fling Rune - Archery, Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. If the weapon is melee and doesn't have the thrown property it gains the thrown (20/60) property. If the weapon already has the thrown property or the ranged property, its normal range increases by 20 feet and its maximum range increases by 60 feet.   Force Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Force damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, this weapon deals an extra 1d6 force damage and any creature you hit must make a Constitution savings throw against your spellcasting DC or be moved up to 10 away from you.   Frost Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Cold damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, this weapon deals an extra 1d6 cold damage and any target hit has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn, it can't reduced by less than 10 feet this way.   Ghost Rune - Body
When you activate this rune, you become ethereal until you take damage, choose to end it, or the activation expires.   Illumination Rune - All - Bonus
As a bonus action the item can produce bright light in a 120 feet radius, with dim light an additional 120 feet beyond. This light, while bright, cannot be used to cause blindness in normal situations.   You can activate this rune to cause all creatures that can see within 30 feet of you to roll a Constitution Save against your spellcasting DC or be blinded for 1 round.   Invisibility Rune - All - Bonus
As a bonus action you may have your weapon go invisible. It remains this way until you no longer control it, lose consciousness, or choose to end this effect.   If your body is your weapon you must activate it for the effect. You become invisible, as per the spell Invisiblity, lasting until the rune deactivates.   Knowledge Rune - Book and Body - Bonus
You may activate this rune to become fluent in one non-hidden language for 1 minute, become proficient in one skill you are not, or double your proficiency for a skill you are proficient in.   Lightweight Rune - Armor, Martial, and Body
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it.
If the weapon is melee and has the heavy and two handed property it loses them and gains the versatile property, it deals its normal damage when used with two hands and 1d8 damage when used with one hand.
If the melee weapon doesn't have the heavy or two handed property, it gains the light and finesse properties.
If you are using your body as a rune, you gain +10 speed, can make a standing jump as if you ran 10', and may make running jumps as if your strength ability modifier were twice what it actually is.
If the rune is inscribed on Armor, it counts as one category lighter than it is, has -2 to the Strength requirement, and does not impose a disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.   Levitation Rune - Archery, Body, Book, Martial, or Shield - Bonus
When you release your weapon, it floats roughly where you put it and follows you, staying within arms reach. You cannot attack with the weapon while it's levitating, but can grab it as a free action. If another player attempts to grab or move it, any actions they do with the weapon is at a disadvantage as it attempts to float to you. If it is pulled away, it will always float towards you at 30ft. as long as it's in the same plane of existence.
If you use your body, you levitate, but not like the spell. You instead may hover a couple inches above the ground. You do not suffer a penalty from moving over rough terrain. You may float over liquid but must concentrate to do so, losing any concentration spells if you have any. If you are knocked prone, you can rise up at a cost of 5 ft.   Luck Rune - All - Bonus
You may activate this rune to gain advantage on any attack roll. Alternatively, you may reroll a damage die, taking the higher of the two rolls.   If this rune is on armor, your book, clothing, or a shield, this feature is used on savings throws instead. A Book can also apply this roll to checks.   Pocketed Rune - Armor and Clothing
You have a small fold in your armor or on your person that can hold a small amount of items. To an observer, it appears to be a small slit no wider than 2 inches, but it can be opened to reveal an interior that is 8 cubic feet (approximately 2x2x2 ft.). It can hold up to 100 lbs. before dumping out it's contents. Putting an item of extra dimensional space inside of it has the same repercussions as described by the Bag of Holding   Radiance Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Radiant damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, this weapon deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage and any creature hit must make a Constitution savings throw against your spellcasting DC or be blinded until the beginning of your next turn.   Rage Rune - Martial and Body
When you hit a creature with this weapon and your current hit points are equal to or less than half of your total hit points, the target takes an extra 1d10 damage of the weapon's type. When you activate this rune, you instead deal maximum damage with your primary attack, not additional damage, but suffer 1d4 bludgeoning damage each time. If your health rises above half while this rune is activated, the effects wear off.   Ray Rune - Book and Shield
You may use your book or shield as a ranged weapon. It produces a ray that travels 60 feet and applies all damage associated with it. The base damage remains 1d4 but becomes force unless the damage type is changed by another rune.   Recall Rune - Archery, Armor, Book, Clothing, Martial and Shield
You can cause the weapon to teleport instantly in your hand as a free action instead of a bonus action, with the same effort that it requires you to normally sheath the weapon. You can only do this once per turn. If the weapon has the thrown property it automatically appears in your hand right after each attack. If the rune is on armor or a shield, it automatically is fully equipped on you, but if you are wearing armor already, the old armor is ripped from you, forcing you to take 4d6 slashing damage.   You may activate this rune to have the item return to where it last was before being recalled. If the weapon was sticking inside a creature, it immediately takes damage as if you attacked it.   Rejuvenation Rune - Armor, Body, and Clothing
On short rests, you recover 1 hp for every level of runeseeker. On a long rest, you can recover 1 additional Hit Die.   You may activate this rune to instantly recover a number of hit points equal to your runeseeker level.   Resistance Rune - Armor, Book, Clothing and Shield - Bonus
You may choose a type of damage, you gain resistance to that type of damage.   You may activate this rune to gain immunity to the chosen damage type until the beginning of your next turn.   You may take this rune multiple times. Each time you do, choose a different energy type.   Satiated Rune - Armor, Body, and Clothing
You do not need to eat or drink under normal circumstances. Some extreme conditions may require food or water, but you need less than normal even in these situations.   You may activate this rune in order to consume anything safely. If the object you are consuming would deal damage to you on contact, such as acid or magma, you are treated as having resistance to that damage while you consume it.   Shapelessness Rune - Archery and Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may transform this weapon into a new weapon. Ranged weapons must change into other ranged weapons and melee into other melee. The weapon gains all of the properties of the new weapon and stays into that shape permanently until changed into a new one. You are proficient with whatever form your weapon takes.   You may activate this rune to change your weapon into any type of weapon, regardless, or a shield. Weapons turned into ranged weapons form filled with the maximum amount of ammo it can be loaded with.   Sharpness Rune - Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. If the weapon deals slashing damage, when you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. If the creature has no limbs to sever, or is unusually resilient, you lop off a portion of its body instead.   If the weapon is piercing or bludgeoning, you cause critical damage to a limb or sensory organ, as determined by the DM. The effects of the rune cause micro-slashes where your weapon pierced or struck, causing additional damage to that area.   Shifting Rune - Book and Body
As a bonus action, you may change the shape of your book, or a limb if it is your body for 1 round. This may change the damage type of the weapon for that single round to an appropriate damage type. For the Book, it can retain the shape as long as you want, but you cannot cast runic spells from it while it is in another form.   You can activate this rune to keep the shape for the duration of the activation.   Storm Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Lightning damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to end it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, your weapon deals an additional 1d6 lightning damage and any creature hit can't take reactions until the end of your next turn.   Thunderclap Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Thunder damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to deactivate it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, your weapon deals an additional 1d6 thunder damage and any creature hit is deafened until the beginning of your next turn.   Time Rune - Armor, Body, Book, or Clothing
When you activate this rune, you come under the effects of the Haste spell for a number of turns equal to your Runeseeker level, to a maximum of one minute.   Trance Rune - Body
A long rest takes you 4 hours to get all benefits, and a short rest only takes 30 minutes. If you are of a race that takes only 4 hours to get a long rest, this feature is further reduced to 2 hours for you.   You may activate this rune to auto succeed on all concentration checks you are forced to roll.   Transcribe Rune - Book - Bonus
Your book may transcribe your thoughts on a page. These thoughts can be erased at will. In addition, you can create pictures of something you see, as long as you concentrate for 1 minute on the item. More time may be needed for complex designs. It can also be used to create a map for you.   You are limited to 1 page of thoughts, 1 picture, and 1 map. You can erase a page to create another.   You can activate this rune while holding a piece of parchment to your book. When you do so, the page is transfered to the parchment permanently.   Toxin Rune - Archery, Body, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it.   When you activate this rune, you deal an additional 1d4 Poison Damage and any creature hit must make a Constitution Save DC against your Spellcasting DC. If they fail, choose Strength or Dexterity. That creature gain -1 point to that ability for 1 day per point lost or unless targeted by the spell Lesser Restoration. If the cumulative stat damage is 4 or higher, it cannot be healed except by a Greater Restoration spell.   Unmoving Rune - Body and Shield
You have advantage on all attempts to knock you prone or move you against your will, even if the effects are environmental, such as an earthquake or tornado. Any success to move you is reduced by half, to a minimum of 5 ft.   Vengeance Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
When you hit a creature with this weapon, the target takes an extra die of damage if it was the last creature to deal damage to you.   If the target you hit drops to 0 hp or less, you can activate this run to become embolden, gaining a number of temporary hp equal to the damage dealt. HP gained in this way disappears at the end of combat, not when the rune deactivates.   Venom Rune - Archery, Body, Book, or Martial
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon if it does not already have it. As a bonus action, you may choose to have this weapon deal Poison damage instead of any other type it was doing until you choose to deactivate it or another ability replaces this damage type.   When you activate this rune, you deal an additional 1d6 Poison Damage and any creature hit must make a Constitution Save DC against your Spellcasting DC or become poisoned for 1d4 rounds.   Vigor Rune - Book and Body - Bonus
You may activate this rune to recover one step of exhaustion, recover from blinded, poisoned, or stunned, or have it stabilize you if you are dropped to 0 hp.   Volley Rune - Archery
You gain an additional attack as long as the additional attack is made against the same target as the first shot. The second shot does benefit from the bonus damage of the activated runes on this weapon but not the abilities from those runes.   You may activate this rune to further increase the number of arrows shot. You now shoot a number of additional arrows equal to your proficiency modifier.   Warning Rune - All - Bonus
This item warns you of danger. While the weapon is on your person, you have advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, you and any of your companions within 30 feet of you can't be surprised, except when incapacitated by something other than nonmagical sleep. The weapon magically awakens you and your companions within range if any of you are sleeping naturally when combat begins.


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