Skills in Cyberpunk | World Anvil
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No matter what method you have used to generate your Character's STATs so far, the next step of Character creation will be to find out what they can do. And that means Skills.  

What are Skills?

  Skills are things the your Character knows or can do; they represent their level of knowledge and accomplishment. A Skill is also something your Character knows how to do because of their training. They have spent time learning and mastering the intricacies of this knowledge either from a teacher, a book, or a long and arduous montage sequence typically found in action and kung-fu movies. The Level of a Skill represents how well trained your Character is in that activity.   Skills Link to STATs
In turn, each Skill is also linked to a STAT that represents natural ability. Some people are just naturally better at doing/learning things than other people around them. So when you perform a "Skill Check" (more on this later, pg. 128) you'll add the STAT that is linked to that particular Skill to get a total aptitude at performing an Action based on that performing that Skill, also known as a Skill Base.   All Skills are Not Equal
Some Skills are harder to learn than others (more teaching, bigger books to read, more arduous training montages) and this is reflected in the "cost" to "buy" these Skills. We'll make a note if a Skill has a higher cost in its description in the Skill Lists below by marking it with (x2). Any Skill marked this way costs twice the number of points to buy (2 points per 1 Level).     In a Cyberpunk RED campaign, there are nine Skill Categories:   Awareness Skills: Your awareness of your environment, noticing clues, etc.   Body Skills: The use of Skills involving physical tasks, feats of strength, endurance, and other physical attributes.   Control Skills: The use of Skills involving controlling vehicles or riding animals.   Education Skills: Knowledge and training based on formal education/schooling.   Fighting Skills: The ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat, or with a melee weapon.   Performance Skills: Training in acting, musicianship, special effects, makeup, or other stage crafts.   Ranged Weapon Skills: Skills in using a ranged weapon, such as a gun or a bow.   Social Skills: Your abilities to blend in, avoid social blunders, and to show style and grace. Also, your ability to convince others through social adeptness.   Technique Skills: Trained vocational Skills and craftsmanship abilities.  
I started out making false IDs for Edgerunners and streetrats. Four years later I'm making bioweapons for the highest bider. Just goes to show it's never too late to pick up a hobby.  
  • hornet

    Skill List

      Below you can find a list of all the Skills used in Cyberpunk RED. To give you a concept of what these Skills can do at different levels, each description includes breakdowns of commonly achievable tasks at different Skill Bases. Skills marked (x2) cost twice as much to purchase and improve.       ▶ Awareness Skills ◀   Concentration..................................... WILL
    Skill of focus and mental control, encompassing feats of memory, recall, ignoring distractions, and physiological mastery.   At a Base 10, you've got a pretty solid memory and can keep your head in a firefight against the local boosters. 
    At a Base 14, you've trained your mind to retain knowledge, and probably meditate regularly. It takes a fair amount to shake you. 
    At a Base 18, your mind is like a steel trap with a 24/7 lock down. You can walk through gunfire and never flinch.   Conceal/Reveal Object..........................INT
    Skill for hiding objects and finding objects that have been hidden. This is the Skill used for concealing weapons under clothing and detecting concealed weapons.   At a Base 10, you've got a pretty solid memory and can keep your head in a firefight against the local boosters. 
    At a Base 14, you've trained your mind to retain knowledge, and probably meditate regularly. It takes a fair amount to shake you. 
    At a Base 18, your mind is like a steel trap with a 24/7 lock down. You can walk through gunfire and never flinch.   Lip Reading ...........................................INT
    Skill of reading someone's lips to tell what they are saying.   At a Base 10, you've spent enough time snooping on conversations to pick up a few words here and there.
    At a Base 14, you can read all sorts of people including those with heavy accents and partially obscured mouths. 
    At a Base 18, you could dictate a conversation from 10m/yds away through a snowstorm, with one eye closed.   Perception.............................................INT
    Skill of spotting hidden things like clues, traps, and people using the Stealth Skill, but not objects hidden with the Conceal/Reveal Object Skill.   At a Base 10, you know how to keep an eye out and your spatial awareness is better than the average person. 
    At a Base 14, you always know roughly what's going on around you and only trained professionals can sneak up on you. 
    At a Base 18, you are trained to scan rooms for traps, you can spot tiny clues like scratches on door knobs, and you can predict who is entering a room by how they turn that knob.   Tracking ................................................INT
    Skill of following a trail by observing tracks and other clues left behind.   At a Base 10, you've done some hunting (whether that's animals or people is up to you). 
    At a Base
    14, you could be a professional bounty hunter, with enough knowledge to track people who are actively covering their tracks. 
    At a Base 18, you are almost
    impossible to shake. Once you get a trail, you can follow it to the ends of the earth.       ▶ Body Skills ◀   Athletics ...............................................DEX
    Skill of jumping, climbing, throwing, swimming, lifting weights, etc.   At a Base 10, you are the equivalent of a real high school "jock," able to run long distances and lift a respectable amount.
    At a Base 14, you can perform
    in college-level competitions and hold your own in all sorts of athletic challenges.
    At a Base 18, you are of
    Olympic or professional caliber and it's rare you meet someone who matches your skill   Contortionist ........................................DEX
    Skill of manipulating your body to get out of handcuffs or other bindings and to fit yourself into otherwise inaccessible places or spaces.   At a Base 10, you can slip out of handcuffs sometimes and fit yourself into slightly tight spaces.
    At a Base 14, you have practiced your contortion and yoga is probably part of your daily ritual. You can slip out of handcuffs and bindings with relative ease and fit yourself into small cupboards.
    At a Base 18, you could be traveling with a circus. You can touch your toes to your head, slip out of complex rope bindings, and squeeze your body into spaces that would make an octopus sweat.   Dance...................................................DEX
    Skill of dancing at a professional level.   At a Base 10, you've practiced some moves and could dance at a wedding and impress the bride and groom.
    At a Base 14, you could compete in one of
    Ziggurat's sponsored dance competitions and probably make it to the semi-finals.
    At a Base 18, you are
    probably well known for your dance moves and may even get requests from Corps for you to perform at their social functions.   Endurance .......................................... WILL
    Skill of withstanding harsh environmental conditions and hardship.   At a Base 10, you are generally a tough customer. Maybe you grew up in the outskirts or traveling with a Nomad pack.
    At a Base 14, you are trained in surviving harsh conditions and capable of living on the streets with no home or shelter, though not comfortably. If need be, you could flee to the badlands outside the City to escape trouble.
    At a Base 18, you are well accustomed to dangerous terrain and long-term hardship. You can live for long periods of time with minimal nourishment, live entirely alone in the Badlands and stay alert while on the run with no problem.   Resist Torture/Drugs .......................... WILL
    Skill of resisting painful effects including interrogation, torture, and drugs.   At a Base 10, you've probably had some experiences with interrogation or hard drugs, and it's given you some knowledge of how to handle them.
    At a Base 14, you've trained yourself to withstand
    the garden-variety interrogation of the NCPD and several different poisons and drugs.
    At a Base 18,
    you're extremely hard to crack and you can shake off the effects of most poisons and drugs. You can withstand even the torture of psychos like the Iron Sights gang.   Stealth .................................................DEX
    Skill of moving quietly, hiding, doing an Action discreetly, or otherwise evading detection. Other Characters can try to find you with their Perception Skill.   At a Base 10, you can get past most guards, or your parents if you've been grounded.
    At a Base 14, you are good enough to slip smoothly from shadow to shadow and not make any noise. You can avoid guards and lose pursuers easily.
    At a Base 18, you are the equal of the corporate ninja employed by Arasaka. If you want to go unnoticed, there are few people who can spot you.       ▶ Control Skills ◀   Drive Land Vehicle.................................REF
    Skill of driving and maneuvering land vehicles.   At a Base 10, you are the equal of a very good non-professional driver. You know how to handle yourself on the road and deal with road rage.
    At a
    Base 14, you are the equal of a moderately skilled race car driver. You can make bootlegger turns, jump small gaps, and drive in dangerous terrain.
    At a Base
    18, you have the skill to be nationally known as a racer and probably can score a sponsorship deal with some of the biggest vehicle manufacturers out there.   Pilot Air Vehicle (x2)..............................REF
    Skill of piloting and maneuvering air vehicles.   At a Base 10, you are a trained pilot, able to engage in most combat situations or pilot an AV through bad weather.
    At a Base 14, you are a veteran pilot with a
    lot of time in the cockpit. You can handle yourself in almost any situation, including making complicated aerobatic maneuvers.
    At a Base 18, you have the skills
    to be widely known among the piloting community for having the "right stuff." You can fly through storms and thread the needle between buildings in an AV-4.   Pilot Sea Vehicle ....................................REF
    Skill of piloting and maneuvering sea vehicles.   At a Base 10, you have piloted sea vehicles before, and you know the ins and outs of naval travel and combat. You can handle choppy water and hold your own in a skirmish.
    At a Base 14, you have spent a
    great deal of time on the water and probably been in a few naval encounters. You know how to come out on top in an even engagement.
    At a Base 18, you are
    a veteran of the seas, able to sail a cargo freighter through a hurricane and maneuver a speedboat through a slalom of debris and enemy ships.   Riding....................................................REF
    Skill of riding a living creature trained for the purpose.   At a Base 10, you've had the rare luxury of seeing and riding a horse. You know the basics of how to keep it from haring off.
    At a Base 14, somehow, you've
    had a great deal of experience riding (whether that's horses or other animals) and you are a very competent rider, able to make quick maneuvers and adjustments.
    At a Base 18, you can really connect with the
    creature you're riding to get the most out of them. You could and probably have at some point competed in Corporate dressage competitions. Horses are extremely rare and talented riders are even rarer       ▶ Education Skills ◀   Accounting ............................................INT
    Skill of balancing books, creating false books and identifying them, juggling numbers, creating budgets, and handling day to day business operations.   At a Base 10, you can manage the books for a small company by yourself and rarely make any clerical errors.
    At a Base 14, you can manage the books for
    a medium-sized Corp and hide your embezzlement at the same time.
    At a Base 18, you're a master at double
    entry and offshore accounting that would make the best white collar criminals proud. You'll probably be sought out by a Corp or a Crime Family to help them with their operations.   Animal Handling ...................................INT
    Skill of handling, training, and caring for animals.   At a Base 10, you know how to approach a wild animal without scaring it off, and you've kept a pet before.
    At a Base 14, you have the skill to train
    animals for other people, and you've encountered a few different animals in your life.
    At a Base 18, you
    may have worked with Biotechnica at some point on the various synthetics and cloned animals coming out recently. You can calm down just about any animal, and can train animals professionally for groups like the NCPD.   Bureaucracy..........................................INT
    Skill for dealing with bureaucrats, knowing who to talk to in a bureaucracy, how to reach them, and how to extract information from bureaucracies.   At a Base 10, you've been around the block a few times and know how to deal with bureaucrats to avoid getting trapped in red tape.
    At a Base 14, you've
    worked with bureaucracies long enough to really start unraveling an organization's secrets. You know how to expedite orders, make sure your papers end up on the right desks, and even block other people's requests with Corps and government officials.
    At a
    Base 18, you are masterful at working the system. You know how to get just about anything you need done, tie up opposition in red tape for ages, and even manipulate the bureaucracy to create false claims and paperwork.   Business ................................................INT
    Skill regarding knowledge of basic business practices, laws of supply and demand, employee management, procurement, sales, marketing.   At a Base 10, you have the equivalent of a few business classes' worth of knowledge and you could run your own company.
    a Base 14, you have been in business for a while now and know the ins and outs of running a successful business. You can get resources, hire skilled workers, and avoid hostile takeovers. You've learned just enough to get noticed by the bigger Corporates.
    At a Base 18, you know all
    about the wheeling and dealing of the corporate life. You know how to hire the best of the best, inspire people to thank you for the chance to work themselved to death, and you can extrapolate the future machinations of the Corps.   Composition ..........................................INT
    Skill of professionally writing songs, articles, or stories.   At a Base of 10, you can produce salable work and some people will even commission you for work.
    At a Base of 14 you
    can create works of art that gain you a small but passionate following and some critical acclaim.
    At a Base 18, you have
    the skill to be a nationally recognized composer creating works of art that rival the great artists, writers, and composters of the 20th and 21st centuries.   Criminology ..........................................INT
    Skill for looking for clues by dusting for fingerprints, doing ballistic tests, examining evidence, and searching through police records and files.   At a Base 10, you've learned enough to ruin precinct procedural dramas forever. You know how to examine evidence, how to properly maintain a crime scene, and the basics of using police records.
    At a Base 14, you have spent a good deal of
    time studying criminology and it has paid off. You can navigate police precincts and records with ease and carry out murder investigations unaided.
    At a Base 18, you
    have the skill to be the next great detective. You can breeze through complex calculations to determine ballistics and blood spatter; and within moments of stepping on the scene of a crime you can get a clear view of exactly what happened. It takes a really unusual case to stump you.   Cryptography .......................................INT
    Skill of encrypting and decoding messages.   At a Base 10, you've learned how to code your messages well enough to keep the average person from figuring out what you're saying or writing and crack basic codes.
    At a Base 14, you have a lot of
    practice cracking codes and communicating in code. You could work for the CIA or any other secret service and get along fine.
    At a Base 18, you are a master of
    cryptography. There's no code or encryption out there that you can't crack given some time, and when you encode something you can be sure no one's gonna be decoding it without a professional cryptography team.   Deduction..............................................INT
    Skill of taking several clues and leaping to a non-obvious conclusion or medical diagnosis.   At a Base 10, you can put two and two together and figure out most logical leaps, no problem. You can always deduce where you left your keys or how likely it is that the rash on your arm is deadly.
    a Base 14, you have trained your mind to collect clues and organize them to make better deductions. You can make accurate long-range deductions like how long it will be before the gangers figure out you sold them dud cyberware.
    At a Base 18, your skills rival that of Sherlock Holmes. You
    are at the level of a world-class detective, building accurate deductions and predictions from the smallest clues imaginable. Some people may even think you're psychic.   Education ..............................................INT
    Skill of general knowledge, equivalent to a basic school education, allowing you to know how to read, write, use basic math, and know enough history to get by.   At a Base 10, you have the equivalent of a basic college education. You have much more education than the average person in Night City.
    At a Base 14, you have a great deal of education, equal to having a Masters or a Doctorate. You probably don't actually have one due to the state of education in Night City.
    At a Base 18, you are an extremely well-educated person; one of those people who "knows a lot about everything" (and hopefully has the good sense to keep their mouth shut).   Gamble .................................................INT
    Skill of knowing how to figure odds and play games of chance successfully.   At a Base 10, you know how to play cards and you've been to a few casinos. You win more than you lose— unless you go to a Corp or mob casino.
    At a Base
    14, you have the skill to be a professional gambler. You know how to play all the major games and you can usually double your money when you play.
    a Base 18, you're a master gambler. Whether that's counting cards, calling bluffs, reading tells, or some other eldritch skill you've learned it well enough to be really dangerous to anyone who gambles with you. You've probably been banned from a casino or two.   Language..............................................INT
    Skill of speaking a particular language. You must choose a specific language whenever you increase this Skill.   At a Base 10, you can speak the language well enough to get by on the street but you don't understand a lot of the slang.
    At a Base 14, you are a fluent
    speaker of the language and most people assume you grew up speaking the language.
    At a Base 18, you
    not only speak the language fluently but you know all the ins and outs of the language including slang, complicated situational rules, and all dialects of the language.   Library Search.......................................INT
    Skill of using databases, Data Pools, libraries, and other compiled information sources to find facts.   At a Base 10, you can use all databases and even search libraries and physical manifests of information.
    At a Base 14, you could easily access the
    Library of Congress (if it was still there) and find rare facts pertaining to old subjects.
    At a Base 18, you
    can comprehend any public database and most private databases. You can find extremely obscure facts and you're pretty sure you could even find facts and files from before the DataKrash if there weren't so many R.A.B.I.D.S.   Local Expert ..........................................INT
    Skill of knowing a specific area well and knowing the agendas of its various factions, both political and criminal. You must choose a specific location whenever you increase this Skill, which cannot be any larger than a single neighborhood or community.   At a Base 10, you know the area pretty well; where to go to get whatever you need, where to avoid, what the local public factions are like.
    At a Base 14, you
    are well acquainted with the area and not only do you know the basics but you are aware of the underlying problems, factions, and rules that the average tourist isn't.
    At a Base 18, you could act as a tour guide for
    the area. You've poked your nose in everywhere, talked to most of the people, seen the sights, and experienced most of what the area has to offer. You are almost never at a loss for info.   Science ..................................................INT
    Skill for knowing how to design experiments, write scientific papers, test hypotheses, and discuss with other academics in a particular field of science. An area of study must be specified whenever this Skill is increased. Possible options include: Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology, Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, History, etc.   At a Base 10, you have studied a science at the level of a high school class. You know the basics and can perform tasks related to the science.
    At a Base 14, you
    are well trained in the science and are at the level of having a Masters. You're rarely stumped by problems relating to your science and could be well respected in your field.
    At a Base 18, you are a master of your
    discipline. You have the knowledge and the skill to break new ground in your field and even develop new aspects and make new discoveries.   Tactics....................................................INT
    Skill of managing a large-scale battle effectively and efficiently. A Character with this Skill usually knows what must be done to direct a battle, and how an enemy force may react.   At a Base 10, you have a basic knowledge of how large-scale battles go and you could lead a battalion in a low stakes conflict pretty easily.
    At a Base 14, you have studied up and learned a great deal about the flow of battle. You can easily out-think gangers and rent-a-cops and predict your opposition's moves.
    At a Base 18, you are a tactical mastermind, able to play speed chess against even the most skilled tacticians. You could be a great military general.   Wilderness Survival ..............................INT
    Skill for knowing how to survive comfortably in the wilderness.   At a Base 10, you have the survival skills of the average Boy Scout. You can go camping and if dumped in the middle of the wilderness you would know how to survive with the proper gear.
    At a Base
    14, you are a skilled survivalist with enough knowledge to survive in basically any environment with relative comfort. You are at about the level of a Special Forces Green Beret.
    At a Base 18, you have learned
    enough to not only survive but thrive. You no longer need tools to survive in the wilderness and you could be dropped in the middle of the Rocky Mountains with nothing but the clothes on your back and still make it look easy.       ▶ Fighting Skills ◀   Brawling ..............................................DEX
    Skill at fighting and grappling with brute strength.   At a Base 10, you're a pretty good bar brawler and you can hold your own in a fist fight. You know how to throw a punch and some of the intricacies of wrestling.
    At a Base 14, you could be a professional fighter in any number of pit-fighting arenas or official venues around the City. You can lay out most opponents and while you don't have a lot of finesse you know how to use your strength to your advantage.
    At a Base 18, you are a seasoned fighter with an iron grip and a mean right hook. All it takes is one good punch or perfectly executed grapple for most people to think twice about fighting you.   Evasion.................................................DEX
    Skill for getting out of the way of someone attacking you in melee. A Character with REF 8 or higher can also use this Skill to dodge Ranged Attacks.   At a Base 10, you're fast on your feet and when in need you can usually get out of the way.
    At a Base 14,
    you're quick enough to dodge most gangers and you can even hold your own against skilled combatants armed with monokatanas and monofilament whips.
    a Base 18, you've trained your body to start moving before your brain even responds to what's happening around you   Martial Arts (x2)...................................DEX
    Skill for fighting with a Martial Arts Form. Each time you increase this Skill you must choose in which form you are training. You can learn multiple forms, but you must do so separately. Possible options (Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, Aikido) can be found here.   At a Base 10, you are trained in a martial art and can perform the basic movements. You've got more going for you than the average brawler.
    At a Base 14, you've reached a level of training in your martial art that allows you to get a bit fancy. You can reliably pull off special moves like disarming foes, reversing throws, and landing combos.
    At a Base 18, you are a master martial artist on par with legendary greats such as Ip Man, Bruce Lee, and Mas Oyama. You can perform complicated maneuvers that crack skulls, paralyze opponents, and tear apart armor.   Melee Weapon.....................................DEX
    Skill for fighting with melee weapons.   At a Base 10, you are trained with melee weapons. You can hold your own in a sword fight or a knife fight and if you get your hands on a lead pipe you can be a pretty dangerous bar fight opponent.
    At a
    Base 14, you are well-versed in the ins and outs of melee combat. You probably carry a melee weapon with you just in case and it may be your preferred weapon.
    At a Base 18, you have the skill to fight just
    about anyone in the City in a melee bout. You might even be able to duel the legendary Kenichi Zaburo in a one-on-one sword fight and come out alive.       ▶ Performance Skills ◀   Acting................................................ COOL Skill of assuming a role, disguising yourself as someone else, whether real or fictitious, and faking emotions and moods.   At a Base 10, you have some skill in disguise and acting. You can make solid disguises as long as they aren't too intensive, and you can convince most people you are who you say you are.
    At a Base 14, you are a skilled impersonator, actor, and disguise artist. You can mimic voices with solid results and create disguises that include more complicated aspects like changes in race or highly advanced or reduced age.
    At a Base 18, you are so good you could probably pick a person on the street and completely steal their life. Even their own friends and family wouldn't know the difference. As long as you get rid of the original first.   Play Instrument.................................. TECH Skill of professionally playing a musical instrument. You can choose which instrument when you increase this Skill. Possible options include: singing, guitar, drums, violin, piano, etc.   At a Base 10, you are skilled enough to play professional gigs and get paid for your performances. At a Base 14, you have the skill to really start getting some recognition for your talent. Places you played at might call you up and ask you to play there again. At a Base 18, you could be a widely acclaimed superstar like the late, great Johnny Silverhand. All you need is a shot and you could be performing on stage in front of millions.       ▶ Ranged Weapon Skills ◀   Archery.................................................REF
    Skill for accurately firing bolt- or arrow-launching projectile weapons.   At a Base 10, you are a fairly skilled archer who can hit a target easily in the range of your weapon.
    At a Base 14, you are skilled enough to hit shots that the average archer would struggle to land and you can almost always hit a target in the sweet spot of your range.
    At a Base 18, you are an archer to rival Robin Hood with enough skill to hit targets hundreds of m/yds away and perform stunts like shooting things out of people's hands.   Autofire (x2) .........................................REF
    Skill for keeping a weapon's Autofire firing mode on target through recoil.   At a Base 10, you can fire an assault rifle in full auto and keep the climb down but you'd better be in the sweet spot of your range to hit.
    At a Base 14, you're
    more used to controlling an Autofire weapon and you can keep your groupings fairly tight. It's likely that you have an SMG or an Assault Rifle as your primary weapon.
    At a Base 18, you can accurately hit targets
    out to 100m/yds if you have the perfect conditions and a little luck. You are a terror on the battlefield who can riddle an opponent with bullets with the accuracy of a finely tuned machine.   Handgun...............................................REF
    Skill for accurately firing handheld projectile weapons such as pistols.   At a Base 10, you know how to maintain and accurately fire handguns, SMGs in single-shot mode, and other small firearms.
    At a Base 14, you are a skilled gunslinger with a quick hand and a good eye. You can hit your targets easily in your sweet spot and you can make longer range shots more accurately.
    At a Base 18, you are a deadeye gunslinger. You can shoot coins from 12m/yds away and shoot the guns out of people's hands. You have the skill to be known as one of the best pistoleros in the City   Heavy Weapons (x2) ............................REF
    Skill for accurately firing extremely large projectile weapons, including grenade and rocket launchers.   At a Base 10, you know how to maintain and accurately fire rocket launchers, grenade launchers, railguns, and other heavy weaponry.
    At a Base 14,
    you've had the training to really excel at firing heavy weaponry. You are deadly accurate with rockets and grenades and you could easily serve as a mounted-turret gunner in the next Corporate War.
    At a
    Base 18, you have the skill to be a master with heavy weaponry. You know this machinery so well you can make trick shots with railguns and drop grenades down chimneys at 100m/yds.   Shoulder Arms.......................................REF
    Skill for accurately firing shoulder-braced projectile weapons, including rifles and shotguns.   At a Base 10, you know how to maintain and accurately fire assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and other shoulder-braced firearms.
    At a Base 14, you
    are skilled enough to hit complicated shots like firing through windows to hit targets in buildings and you can almost always hit a target in the sweet spot of your range.
    At a Base 18, you are the equal of rifle
    sharpshooters like Annie Oakley and famous snipers such as Vasily Zaytsev. In most cases, if you can see a target you can hit it. It's probably not long before the security Corps start fighting over you.       ▶ Social Skills ◀   Bribery.............................................. COOL
    Skill of knowing when to bribe someone, how to approach them, and how much to offer.   At a Base 10, you know how to bribe a guard to look the other way or keep a witness from spilling simple secrets.
    At a Base 14, you have a knack for reading
    people and knowing how to manipulate them. You've made tons of deals and you've got the skill to bribe witnesses not to stand trial, coerce the NCPD into leaving your operations alone for a night, and maybe even convince a corporate hit squad that you're more valuable alive.
    At a Base 18, you are a master of
    greasing palms. Everyone wants something and you have a gift for knowing exactly what to offer. Even the most incorruptible people in City are hard pressed to deny your offer.   Conversation....................................... EMP
    Skill of extracting information from people without alerting them with careful conversation.   At a Base 10, you are a smooth talker who can coerce their subject into telling them simple information.
    At a
    Base 14, you would make an excellent interviewer, convincing subjects to tell you anecdotes about the past, pontificate about favorite interests and philosophies, etc.
    At a Base 18, you have the skill to
    gently maneuver a person into telling you everything, including extremely personal information, like how they have an illegitimate son and the fact that no one ever truly loved them.   Human Perception............................... EMP
    Skill of reading a person's facial expressions and body language to discern their emotional state and detect lies or deception.   At a Base 10, you can usually tell when you're not getting the whole truth and you're adept at reading people's emotions.
    At a Base 14, you can detect
    subtle evasions and mood swings with ease, and you've learned the tells of most of your companions.
    At a Base 18, you can not only detect subtle emotional
    clues, but if a person is hiding something, you can usually tell what they're hiding in a general sense.   Interrogation..................................... COOL
    Skill of forcibly extracting information from people.   At a Base of 10, you have the skill to infallibly find out if your mainline is lying to you and you've got a basic knowledge of "advanced interrogation techniques."
    At a Base 14, you are a professionally proficient
    interrogator, equivalent to a skilled detective grilling a suspect. Depending on how moral you are, you may also be skilled in prying information out of subjects more forcefully.
    At a Base 18, you are on par with
    the famous Media, Lyle Thompson, allowing you to make even the most powerful people sweat with just a few words. If push comes to shove, you are very well acquainted with instruments of torture.   Persuasion ........................................ COOL
    Skill of convincing, persuading, or influencing individuals. Also, the ability to talk others into doing what you want. This may be used individually or on large groups.   At a Base 10, you can win most debates or convince your mainline that the blonde you were with was your sister.
    At a Base 14, you are a smooth talker of professional caliber. If you want to start a career in politics
    in the City this is where that dream can start becoming a reality.
    At a Base 18, you are truly gifted with a
    silver tongue and you have the skill to convince almost anyone of just about anything, if it's not too insane.   Personal Grooming ........................... COOL
    Skill of knowing proper grooming, hair styling, etc., to maximize your physical attractiveness. Use of this Skill allows Characters to increase their chances of successful seduction or persuasion.   At a Base 10, you know how to keep yourself looking good. You know a few beauty routines and you can style your own hair and do your own makeup.
    At a
    Base 14, you are a professional with the knowledge to pull off specific make up styles and complex hairdos to take your look to the next level.
    At a Base 18, you
    have the skill to be a world class artist, inventing new styles and setting trends in the City. You are always "together." And you know it.   Streetwise......................................... COOL
    Skill of making and using contacts to get illegal goods and contraband, talking to the criminal element, and avoiding bad situations in bad neighborhoods.   At a Base 10, you can get some "hot" items, score street drugs, and figure out who's the best Fixer in the neighborhood.
    At a Base 14, you know how to get
    in contact with a Solo to arrange a murder contract, you might know a few mobsters, and you know which neighborhoods to steer clear of.
    At a Base 18, you
    have the skill to become a major crime lord yourself and skip the middlemen. You know the right Fixers to talk to and the right palms to grease   Trading.............................................. COOL
    Skill of striking a good bargain with a merchant or customer.   At a Base 10, you are a solid trader who can haggle deals, and get a good deal on ammunition at the local market.
    At a Base 14, you have the skill to make
    deals with Nomad caravans to get new goods at reasonable prices and you are probably well known at the local Night Market.
    At a Base 18, you are a
    master of economic maneuvering and can buy and sell goods for astonishing value. Now all you have to do is make sure you don't get on the wrong side of the local Fixers.   Wardrobe & Style ............................. COOL
    Skill of knowing the clothes to wear and when to wear them.   At a Base 10, you are good at choosing clothes off the rack. You can put together a stylish looking outfit and coordinate everything you're wearing from your shoes to your cyberware.
    At a Base 14, your friends
    ask you for wardrobe tips, and you have the skill to design professional outfits for them on commission.
    At a Base 18, you are one
    of those rare people whose personal style influences major fashion trends. It's probably not long before you get scouted by one of the major fashion Corps.       ▶ Technique Skill ◀   Air Vehicle Tech .................................. TECH
    Skill of repairing and maintaining air vehicles. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/ destroyed vehicle with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the amount of damage it has sustained. (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you have gotten good at maintaining and repairing AVs, Gyrocopters, Helicopters, and other flying vehicles.
    At a Base 14, you are a skilled mechanic who can easily repair almost any damage to an air vehicle given enough time.
    At a Base 18, you can rebuild an AV-4 from a smoking pile of rubble in just a week and can fix up a broken rotor with your eyes closed.   Basic Tech ........................................... TECH
    Skill of identifying, understanding, and repairing simple electronic devices and all other items not covered by another TECH Skill. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/destroyed item with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the Price Category of the item (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you are pretty handy with technology. You can fix a printer jam in your office, rebuild a microwave, and do basic repairs on factory machinery.
    At a Base 14, you are the local handyman for your neighborhood. You have an unerring sense for what to do when machinery starts acting up.
    At a Base 18, you are a technical wizard when it comes to household items and basic machinery. You can repair heavy machinery with ease and spot problems and faults in your tech before they become an issue.   Cybertech........................................... TECH
    Skill of identifying, understanding, and repairing cybernetics. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/ destroyed item with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the Price Category of the item. (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you are well-versed in the ins and outs of cybertech. You probably have some cybertech installed and can maintain it with no problems.
    At a Base
    14, you know a lot about cyberware and cybertech. You can rewire a Cyberarm, and even do some mechanical work with improvised tools if need be.
    At a Base 18,
    you have the skill to keep all cybertech with which you come in contact in perfect shape. You almost never have to worry about the effects of Microwavers and EMP devices in the field.   Demolitions (x2)................................. TECH
    Skill of setting, defusing, and knowing how much explosive will accomplish a desired result. This Skill allows the Character to be knowledgeable in the use of explosives, as well as knowing the best explosives to use for which jobs and identifying explosive in the field.   At a Base 10, you can handle most premade explosives and you have a basic concept of what explosives are good for what jobs.
    At a Base 14, you have an
    intimate knowledge of demolitions and you can set bombs with timers and confidently defuse bombs set by others.
    At a
    Base 18, you are an expert in demolitions with knowledge of every explosive under the sun. You can defuse most bombs with your eyes shut and you know how to set explosives to get controlled results like blowing open doors and causing limited destruction.   Electronics/Security Tech (x2)............. TECH
    Skill of identifying, understanding, repairing, countering, and installing complex electronic devices like computers, cyberdecks, personal electronics, electronic security systems, bugs and tracers, pressure plates, laser tripwires, etc. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/destroyed item with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the Price Category of the item (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you are skilled enough to fix your Agent when it starts acting up and you're confident you could rewire a stock security system.
    At a Base 14,
    you have the skills required to be a solid tinkerer or a skilled infiltrator. You can crack simple security systems with ease and rebuild a computer given enough time.
    At a Base 18, you have the skill to rival high-level
    Netrunners with your security cracking and you have a chance to repair even the most complex and expensive tech if given enough time and a little luck.   First Aid.............................................. TECH
    Skill of applying medical treatments to a wounded person to keep them from dying, and treating the most   common Critical Injuries.   At a Base 10, you have basic first-aid training and know how to handle injuries in the field. When someone calls for a doctor in an emergency, you're not the best choice but you can get the job done.
    At a Base 14, you can take care of all
    simple wounds and keep people from dying. You probably carry a Medtech bag with you just in case.
    At a Base 18, you are a miracle worker with
    a medkit. As long as you're on your feet, death is going to have to wait   Forgery .............................................. TECH
    Skill of creating and detecting false documents, works of art, and identification. Forgery is most often opposed by Forgery.   At a Base 10, you can fake simple IDs and you can be fairly sure of whether any document handed to you is false.
    At a Base 14, you can pass forgeries off to all but the most sophisticated examination and rarely do forgeries get by your initial inspection.
    At a Base 18, you could display your fakes in the best museums.   Land Vehicle Tech ............................... TECH
    Skill of repairing and maintaining vehicles that move on land. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/destroyed vehicle with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the amount of damage it has sustained. (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you have gotten good at maintaining and repairing roadbikes, groundcars, and other land vehicles.
    At a Base 14, you are a skilled mechanic, who can easily repair almost any damage to a land vehicle given enough time.
    At a Base 18, you can to salvage and rebuild old military transports from the badlands and you could fix a flat while in your sleep.   Paint/Draw/Sculpt............................. TECH
    Skill of producing professional paintings, drawings, or sculpture.   At a Base 10, you are skilled enough to create works of art that actually make you significant money on the market.
    At a Base 14, you have the skill to really start getting some recognition for your talent. Your art is, maybe, featured in some screamsheets or Data Pool articles.
    At a Base 18, you could be nationally known, have exhibits in galleries, and have other lesser artists studying your style in art school.   Paramedic (x2)................................... TECH
    Skill of applying medical treatments to a wounded person to treat all Critical Injuries not requiring Surgery and keep them from dying (Surgery is only available to Medtechs through their Role Ability, Medicine).   At a Base 10, you could fill in for Trauma Team as long as the situation hasn't gotten too dire. You can splint limbs and stabilize patients for transport to a hospital.
    At a Base 14, you are more than skilled enough to
    work as a Trauma Team Medical Assistant. If you can get to a patient in time, you can make sure they make it out in one piece.
    At a Base 18, you are the
    equivalent of a seasoned first-responder with enough medical knowledge to arrive on the scene of a firefight or natural disaster and immediately start saving lives.   Photography/Film.............................. TECH
    Skill for producing photographs, videos, or braindances.   At a Base 10, you are skilled enough to make decent home movies with some special effects.
    At a Base 14,
    you are a skilled artist, creating work at the level of the average magazine cover or rock music video.
    At a
    Base 18, you could be a widely acclaimed producer. All you need is a shot, and you could be filming the next award-winning blockbuster.   Pick Lock ............................................ TECH
    Skill for bypassing non-electronic locks   At a Base 10, you can jimmy most simple locks and you never get locked out of your apartment for long.
    At a Base 14, you could be a competent cat burglar.
    You can crack most safes if you have the right tools and enough time.
    At a Base 18, you could build a
    rep as a master cracksman. You can crack stock safes like they were nothing and if you got a chance at it, you could probably crack the bespoke vaults of any number of Corps in the City.   Pick Pocket....................................... TECH
    Skill for stealthily retrieving items secured on another person and shoplifting small items without being noticed.   At a Base 10, you've got quick fingers and deep pockets. You can make a good deal of money pick pocketing people on the street, as long as you don't push your luck.
    At a Base 14, you have the
    skill needed to start operating in a Corporate Zone where the real money is. You can lift a wallet and ID badges no problem.
    At a Base 18, you could lift a
    Solo's wallet, stop them to apologize for bumping into them, and lift their pistol while you're at it. ID badges, watches, glasses, grenades, it's all fair game.   Sea Vehicle Tech ................................ TECH
    Skill of repairing and maintaining sea vehicles. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/ destroyed vehicle with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the amount of damage it has sustained (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you have gotten good at maintaining and repairing jet skis, cabin cruisers, yachts, and other sea vehicles.
    At a Base 14, you are a skilled
    mechanic, who can easily repair almost any damage to a sea vehicle given enough time.
    At a Base 18, you
    can dredge up old Arasaka ships from off the coast and get them up and working in no time, and you never have to worry about your ship sinking.   Weaponstech ..................................... TECH
    Skill for repairing and maintaining weapons of all types. The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/destroyed item with this Skill to perfect condition is based on the Price Category of the item: (see the box at the end of this section).   At a Base 10, you have learned to fix your guns when they break and sharpen your knives when the edges wear out. You have the skills to keep your weapons in pretty good shape.
    At a Base 14, you are a skilled
    Weaponstech who can rebuild most pistols and cheaper guns after catastrophic mishaps. And putting an edge back on a sword is no problem at all.
    At a
    Base 18, you have learned the ins and outs of weaponry, allowing you to fix up just about anything. Given a radiation suit, a wheelbarrow, and a bodyguard team you could probably make quite a bit of money salvaging destroyed tech from the Hot Zone.  
    Vehicle Repair   The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/destroyed vehicle with a TECH Skill to perfect condition is based on the amount of damage it has sustained. Minor Damage: DV9, 3 Hours. Major Damage: DV13, 1 Day. Destroyed: DV17, 1 Week.   On a failed roll, halfway through the repair, you realize that you'll have to start the repair from scratch.     Item Repair   The DV and amount of time it takes you to repair a damaged/destroyed item with a TECH Skill to perfect condition is based on the Price Category of the item: Cheap/Everyday: DV9, 1 Hour. Costly: DV13, 6 Hours. Premium: DV17, 1 Day. Expensive: DV21, 1 Week. Very Expensive: DV24, 2 Weeks. Luxury: DV29, 1 Month. Super Luxury: DV29, 1 Month per 10,000eb of Item Price.   On a failed roll, halfway through the repair, you realize that you'll have to start the repair from scratch.

    How Do I Get My Skills?

     Buying Skills  Skills are normally rated from 1 to 10, and are used in gameplay by adding the Level of the Skill to the Level of the most applicable Statistic. Skills are like STATs; they have a range of effectiveness that is related to how much they cost.  Basic Skills   Basic Skills are things generally common to everyone in all cultures in the Time of the Red: Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Conversation, Education, Evasion, First Aid, Human Perception, Language (Streetslang), Local Expert (Your Home), Perception, Persuasion, and Stealth. These are assumed to be part of everyone's Skill list and must start with at least a value of 2. Additionally, all Characters begin with 4 points in their a language related to Cultural Background, as established in your Backround hereLifepath.  
    Method #1: Streetrat (Templates) Skills   Skills are predetermined from the start with The Streetrat. As a Streetrat Character, we have already provided you with Skills and levels of Skills for your Basic Skills (bold) plus the basic professional Skills you need to perform in your Characters' chosen Role. Just find your Role on the tables below and copy the numbers next to each Skill onto the proper place on your Character Sheet. Don't forget the 4 Levels of Language you get based on the Cultural Origin section of your Backround here.  


    Method #2: Edgerunner (Fast and Dirty) Skills   Like The Streetrat, Edgerunner Skills are predetermined from the start. But the big difference here is that although your Skills for that Role are predetermined, the levels of each Skill are up to you. There are a few rules though:  
    • Edgerunners get 86 Skill points to be distributed between your Character's Skills to raise their totals up. These points may not be applied anywhere else.
    • No Skill can be higher than 6 or lower than 2.
    • The following Skills must be at least Level 2: Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Conversation, Education, Evasion, First Aid, Human Perception, Language (Streetslang), Local Expert (Your Home), Perception, Persuasion, and Stealth.
    • Skills marked with a (x2) cost two Skill points to increase in Level by one. All other Skills cost one point to increase in Level by one.
    • Don't forget the 4 Levels of Language you get free based on the Cultural Origin section of your Backround here
    To determine your Edgerunner's Skills, just find your Role on the tables below, then divide your 86 Skill points up between the Skills listed for that type. Remember that no Skill can be higher than 6 or lower than 2.   Hot Tip: You'll notice that each Role has 20 Skills allotted to it. Start by dividing your 86 points by 20 to get a rough average of 4 points per Skill (you'll have 6 extra points left over).  


    Method #3: Complete Package (Calculated) Skills   Unlike the other types of Characters (Streetrats and Edgerunners) Complete Package (Calculated) Characters get almost complete control over their Skills. Like Edgerunners, these Characters get 86 Skill points to raise up any Skills they want. But unlike Edgerunners, except for Basic Skills that all Character types must have (see below), the Complete Package Player can put the rest of their 86 points in any Skills they want.   In the Complete Package Method, four things should be kept in mind.  
    • No Skill can be higher than 6.
    • The following Skills must be at least Level 2: Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Conversation, Education, Evasion, First Aid, Human Perception, Language (Streetslang), Local Expert (Your Home), Perception, Persuasion, and Stealth
    • Skills marked in the Master Skill List with a (x2) cost two Skill points to increase in Level by one. All other Skills cost one Skill point to increase in Level by one.
    • Don't forget the 4 Levels of Language you get free based on the Cultural Origin section of your Backround here


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