Roles in Cyberpunk | World Anvil
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The Core of Cyberpunk Roleplaying

Even after a massive war between Megacorporations followed by an atomic bombing, the world of Cyberpunk is a combination of savage, sophisticated, modern, and retrograde. Fashion-model beautiful Rockerboys rub shoulders with battle-armored road warriors, all of them making the scene in the hottest dance clubs, sleaziest bars, and meanest streets this side of the post-holocaust. And every single one of them has a Role: an occupation they are known by on The Street.     There are ten Roles in the Cyberpunk RED future: Rockerboys, Solos, Netrunners, Techs, Medtechs, Medias, Execs, Lawmen, Fixers, and Nomads.     Rockerboys
Rock-and-roll rebels who use performance, art, and rhetoric to fight authority.   Solos
Assassins, bodyguards, killers, and soldiers-for-hire in a lawless new world.   Netrunners
Cybernetic master hackers of the post-NET world and brain-burning secret stealers.   Techs
Renegade mechanics and supertech inventors; the people who make the Dark Future run.   Medtechs
Unsanctioned street doctors and cyberware medics, patching up meat and metal alike.   Medias
Reporters, media stars, and social influencers risking it all for the truth—or glory   Execs
Corporate power brokers and business raiders fighting to restore the rule of the Megacorps.   Lawmen
Maximum law enforcers patrolling the mean streets and barbarian warrior highways beyond.   Fixers
Dealmakers, organizers, and information brokers in the post-War Midnight Markets of The Street.   Nomads
Transport experts, ultimate road warriors, pirates, and smugglers who keep the world connected.

Articles under Roles


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