Getting your equipment in Cyberpunk | World Anvil
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Getting your equipment

How you get your stuff and what it includes is once again determined by if you want to go the route of the Edgerunner, Streetrat or the complete package. Though, no matter what you chose to use for skills and abilities, you could choose a different route for your gear, if you'd like.    

Streetrats (Templates) / Edgerunners (Fast and Dirty)

 How You Get Your Stuff   Like STATs, Skills, Weapons, and Armor, your Outfit and Fashion are also predetermined from the start with The Streetrat and the Edgerunner. But you will still have the option to buy more gear as your Character progresses. To find out what Gear your Character comes equipped with, check the lists on the table below and look under your Character's Role. Note that you may occasionally be given a choice between two or more options (example: SeeYa or Eraser). Pick one and only one when offered an option.  


Complete Packages (Calculated)

  How You Get Your Stuff   Like STATs and Skills, Complete Package Characters have a lot more leeway when selecting Weapons, Armor, and Gear. Unlike Edgerunners and Streetrats, you get 2,550 Eurobucks (eb) to buy any weapons, armor, gear, and cyberware you want. Just hit the lists and start shopping. You keep anything you don't spend.   In addition to weapons, armor, gear, and cyberware Complete Package Characters also get an additional 800eb to spend only on Fashion or Fashionware. Anything you don't spend goes away.   Here's where to go for each one:   Weapons   Armor   Gear   Clothing   Cyberware    
Hot Tip:
Look over all the sections on Weapons, Armor, Cyberware, and Gear before you spend it all. Make a shopping list before you blow your hard-earned eurobucks, then buy what you want. If you don't want to spend it all, you can keep what you don't use from this pile of cash.

Articles under Getting your equipment


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