Adam Smasher Character in Cyberpunk | World Anvil
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Adam Smasher

After the bomb, Smasher survived and was retrieved by Arasaka, who healed him by replacing what little was left of the man with yet more machinery. Smasher was supposedly tasked by Saburo Arasaka to take care of Silverhand's body and his possessions, being one of the few people who knew were Johnny was buried.[3] Shortly after Adam disappeared for many years. Adam Smasher met Michiko Arasaka, his boss Kei Arasaka's daughter, when she was a sheltered seventeen-year-old girl.[4] The two dated for some time after Michiko turned 18,[5] and Michiko's bodyguard Kenichi Zaburo threatened Smasher to mind his manners around her.[4]   During the next decades, Smasher would come and go from Night City. He also teamed up with Rogue Amendiares for a time.[6]   At some point after 2045, Smasher seemingly found more of Silverhand's possessions in Samantha Stevens' garage, and around the country. Although he had sold much of Silverhand's items, he decided to keep some of them - including Silverhand's Porsche and his signature gun the Malorian Arms 3516.[3]   Some time after 2050, Adam was assigned as Yorinobu Arasaka's bodyguard and was placed in charge of carrying out Arasaka's dirtiest work, gaining a reputation for expert management of loose ends.[7] During this time, Adam made the Ebunike Docks in Watson his base of operations. Jeremiah Grayson, one of his most loyal men, became his right-hand, and for a job well done, Smasher gifted him Silverhand's unique pistol.
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