Modern Computers in Cyberpunk | World Anvil

Modern Computers

The modern computers have been reduced in size to about the size of an extended keyboard. With the neural interfaces that have become so popular, that negates the need for a monitor. The CPU, memory, and interfaces have been compacted to fir into the keyboard itself. These are known as 'rigs'. As expected, everyone likes to customize their rigs, be it computing power of just looks. Businesses that serve these riggers are the fastest growing businesses in the world.

Riggers can do anything from remote piloting drones and trucks, to programming VR simulations. As expected, the porn industry is the driving force behind advancing VR technology, though nobody wants to admit it. VR Novels are extremely popular. They provide a story in 3D interactive virtual reality rather then a 2D screen like movies do.

Virtually all computer hardware come with an identification code that determines what it looks like in the virtual world. CPUs typically look like hexagons, memory modules are rectangular like file folders, I'O ports usually resemble pill-shapes. But these virtual constructs can be modified and changed by those who know how. Many businesses spend a lot of money to sculpt their virtual sites to conform to a specific genre or theme. The Disney World site resembles the real-world Disney parks.

Rigs are rated by their CPU power, memory, and sculpted environment. They have colored LED strips and effects to personalize them, not to mention paint jobs. But it's the lights that you can see rom a distance that are considered the real coolness factor. There are, of course, generic rigs that are either off-the-shelf purchases or bulk purchases for company programmers. These lack any kind of customization or hacking programs.


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