Taxi Driver Profession in Cyberpunk 2090 | World Anvil
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Taxi Driver

Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on — that’s my credo. Okay, okay…maybe they don’t have to shut up if they’re interesting enough, but usually they just want to be driven from someplace to someplace else, and that’s what I’m getting paid to do. Doesn’t matter if I operate a cab or a limo (heck, in some parts of the world, it might even be a rickshaw), but the job is basically the same; pick up the client, drive him to where he wants to go, and collect the fare. Fortunately, I know the sprawl like the back of my hand, and can drive like a maniac. I’d probably make a smoking wheelman, but I prefer to stay more legit — most of the time. Sometimes it just depends on whether I’m driving for a company, or going solo as a freelance. Whatever. In any case it’s the same; Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on.



Driving d8+, Shooting d6+, Streetwise d8+

Payment & Reimbursement

2,500 + 1d6x100 Credits

Other Benefits

+2 to Streetwise checks when seeking a location, and a place to hang out or crash in many cases. Additionally, cab services usually provide a vehicle from their fleet — although your character is responsible for insurance (1,000 credits paid once during each Rank).
Alternative Names
Cab Driver, Cabbie, Hack, Night Rider, Taxi Man, Urban Delivery Specialist


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