Mob Soldier Profession in Cyberpunk 2090 | World Anvil
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Mob Soldier

When the boss needs something done, I’m the person he calls. Sure, it’s a dirty job. I’ve gotta break some legs every now and again, force that noodle vendor to pay his protection fee, collect on debts, even waste some people. But hey, they knew the risks! Nobody twisted their arms. Well okay, maybe someone did, but that’s not my concern. I’ve got a job to do. It’s better than slingin’ hot dogs on the streets, better than sitting in some cubicle for eight hours slaving away for some corporate fat cat.



Fighting d6+, Intimidation d6+, Shooting d6+

Payment & Reimbursement

3,000 Credits

Other Benefits

The mob soldier gets 1 extra Benny per session. This Benny may only be spent on Intimidation rolls.
Alternative Names
Soldier, Mook, Bruiser, Family Man, Hitter, Monkey, Muscle, Tough Guy, Wise Guy


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