Media Icon Profession in Cyberpunk 2090 | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Media Icon

An autograph? Sure, I always have time for a fan. You saw us playing down at the Cracked Wall? Yeah that place waters their beer down, but we love playing there, great acoustics, and the atmosphere is real, ya’ know? We don’t go for any of that HR shit. Nothing but the real thing, heard with your real ears. Hold on to this, one day we’re going to hit it big, and you’re going to be one of the lucky few who got to meet us before we were known world wide. When we bring our message to the rest of the world, you’ll be the one to say you heard it before anyone else!



Attractive, Reputation

Payment & Reimbursement

5,000 Credits

Other Benefits

The icon has an entourage. He can call upon 1d6 Extras in his organisation each game session to take care of minor tasks for him. The GM is final arbiter on exactly what those tasks are.
Alternative Names
Bollywood Babe, Ken Doll, REALfeed Star, Hyper Star, Sim Star, 15-minute Flavor


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