Layabout Profession in Cyberpunk 2090 | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


I don’t see the reason people make such a big fuss about getting a job. If you’re rich and on the top of the heap, why waste time working? And if you’re poor and at the bottom of the pile… well, hell — you can always get by on a government dole. If all else fails, corporations always need volunteers to try out experimental goods and services, ami, and I can always crash at a friend’s crib. Life’s too short to spend time punching a clock — it’s much better to kick back and cruise.




Payment & Reimbursement


Other Benefits

Your character starts with a personal melee weapon of your choice and an armoured jacket.
Alternative Names
Bum, Loafer, Loser, Slacker, Street Rat


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